24. I'm Bored

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Jordan's (Mama) POV

  This has been an interesting evening to say the least. I'm just glad Paisley is okay and in good spirits again as we leave the hospital. I've never seen someone pass out so quickly and the amount of blood accompanied with her accident was eerie.

   "I hungwy." Paisley mumbles from the backseat, her lips wrapped around a pacifier. We never did get a chance to eat dinner.

  "Let's stop for something quick on the way home." I announce. Though I'm not a big supporter of fast food, today it feels justified.

  "Ooh ice cweam!" Paisley chirps.

  This girl.

  "How about real food and you can have ice cream at home." I say, while Beth pulls into the nearest drive thru.

  "Ice cweam is real food!" Paisley insists.

  "No, it's dessert baby."

  "B-buh I got hurt." She pouts.

  "Annnd?" I chuckle, seeing where her little mind is going.

  "Ice cweam make it betta."

  "Well eat your dinner like a good little girl and we can have ice cream at home."

  Beth orders for all of us when it's our turn in line. She's been really quiet since the whole incident. I can tell she feels guilty and at fault. I'm sure I didn't help those feelings, as my own panic made me a little hostile.

  "I'm sorry for yelling at you." I say softly, placing a hand on her thigh once we receive our food and are on the road again.

  "It's fine. I deserved it." She replies softly.

  "No you didn't. I was scared and reacted harshly, I'm sorry. It was an accident, Beth. I don't hold you at fault and I don't think Paisley does either." I say.

  Beth simply nods, but doesn't respond. I frown realizing how hard she's being on herself right now. I'm not sure how to make her feel better about the situation. Improving moods is her territory, it's rare for her to be in a bad mood that can't be fixed with a few encouraging words.

  Paisley is in her own little world, digging through the bags of food in search of her toy. The awkward silence of our car ride doesn't seem to affect her, but it's weighing heavily on me.

  When we get home, dinner is also a quiet affair. Beth has brushed aside several attempts at conversation. Even Paisley has gotten quiet, but that I can tell is due to her exhaustion. She looks so tired. She's not too tired for ice cream though. After a generous dessert, I get her changed into a fresh diaper and pajamas.

  She cuddles into my side as I tuck her in and her hands tugs at my shirt. "Are you trying to ask me something?"

  "I wan milkies pease." She whispers, rubbing her tired eyes.

  "Ok Princess." I smile, slipping out of my shirt and bra. She nurses for a little while until the grip she has on my nipple falters and I see she's nearly asleep. I get her laid down and slip out of bed.

  "Mama? Is Mommy okay?" She mumbles as I slip her paci back into her mouth.

  "Yeah baby, she's okay." I say, though I'm not entirely sure. I'll be going to check in with her momentarily.

  "Okie. Night night Mama."

  "Goodnight Princess. Sleep tight." I say giving her a kiss and slipping out of her room.

  I find Beth in the dining room, still sitting at her spot at the table. Normally she would have already cleaned up and be relaxing on the couch or something. But she's just sitting there staring into space.

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