21. Setting the Scene

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Jordan's (Mama) POV

  I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little proud of myself for nursing at the playground. The thought in general makes me very self conscious, but seeing that look in Paisley's eyes made me want to get over myself. I want to be more comfortable with things like that. While I spent the first couple minutes in a state of slight panic, it didn't take long to realize, literally no one cares. No one was watching me and even if they were, it's none of their God damned business.

  That was all it took to relax and simply enjoy nursing my baby.

  Now we're back home and we just put Paisley down for a nap. I imagine she'll sleep for a good while, she went all out at the playground. She nearly gave me a heart attack on more than one occasion. Crazy girl, jumping from swings and climbing around like a monkey. Beth had to tell me more than once to chill out and let her do her thing.

  "What's on your mind? You look deep in thought." Beth comments as she comes to sit beside me on the couch.
   "I was thinking about nursing at the playground." I admit.

  "I'm surprised you agreed to do it." Beth chuckles.

  "I surprised myself. I'm glad I did it though. Hey, lemme ask you something."

  "What's up?"

  "Why have you never done dry nursing with Paisley?" 

  "I uhh...I guess nursing just seemed like your thing. I didn't want to take that away from you." Beth shrugs with a sheepish smile. While the sentiment is sweet, I never realized that's how she felt.

  "You wouldn't be taking anything away from me baby. Please don't tell me you've been wanting to but didn't for my sake?" I ask feeling a little selfish. Almost as if I've been monopolizing an activity we originally planned on sharing. Beth chuckles awkwardly and runs her hands through her hair. "Beth!" I half whine, half sigh.

  "It's not like I've been dying to do it or feel like I'm missing out. And I'm not saying I don't want to do it either. I guess its neither here nor there at this point. It feels like it's your thing, I like it that way."

  "We were supposed to share in it and I feel like you are missing out." 

  "Okay if it really doesn't bother you, than I'll try it." Beth nods.

  "It doesn't bother me in the slightest." I say, stressing the point.

  "It's settled then, I'll try it." Beth smiles and leans in to kiss me. I smirk as she pulls away and my mind changes tracks a bit.

  "On a different note, I was thinking about tonight..."

  "What about tonight?" She chuckles.

  "A bondage scene for Paisley." I smirk, images already coming to mind.

  "Mmm do I get to play too?" Beth asks in a hopeful tone.

  "Of course love."

  "Mmm perfect, tell me more." She practically purrs. I restrain from laughing at how easy she is to get going. I let her know what I was thinking. I want to do something simple, that includes bondage since Paisley mentioned it. I don't want anything over the top though, since Paisley is newer to all of this than I realized.

  Beth nods and moans and smirks as I talk, giving no useful feedback other than the fact that she's completely on board. That's enough for me.

"Thanks for all your helpful input." I say sarcastically after we finished mentally setting the scene.

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