27. Camping

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Jordan's (Mama) POV

  Summer has always been the one time of year for me where the days blur together. It's easy to lose track of time, especially with my more laid back work schedule. I enjoy teaching online classes because it provides a nice break, but as a professor it's just as hard for me at times to get into the groove of things. More so this year due to having Paisley living with us. The first couple weeks of the summer semester were difficult. I fell behind all to easily, but now I have a rhythm down. I've regained my control and it feels great.

  Beth has been a huge help during my adjustment period and I couldn't be more grateful. It's why I wanted to really spoil her for her birthday. While I would have loved to take her out, I respected her desire to celebrate at home. I did my best to give her a Beth style celebration. Paisley and I had a lot of fun preparing the yard. Paisley especially loved baking the cake. I have to admit we made a great team and the cake looked worthy of being store bought, but with the homemade taste.

  However, in hindsight I almost wish we hadn't spawned the whole camping idea. Beth loved the tent and all the supplies. A little too much. Because now we're in the car, a few minutes from arriving at a fucking campground.

  God I hate camping.

  Paisley and Beth have been chatting excitedly the whole car ride. I'm having a hard time getting into the mood. I love the outdoors, I really do. I just don't want to be stuck outside for three days straight. I love my house, my amenities, my bed. I love taking a long shower or bath and feeling clean. What I don't love are bugs, gross bathrooms, or tents.

  Now I've been camping with Beth before, but we stayed in a nice cabin. It was the perfect compromise. She always teased me and called it glamping..as in glamour-camping. I don't mind the teasing one bit, glamping is my style of camping. In purchasing the tent, it was my intention for Beth to take Paisley. It would give them a chance to spend time together and I've always been the type to need alone time to recharge. Well my plan backfired.
  "We're here!" Beth says cheerfully while Paisley squeals excitedly, her nose pressed to the car window.

  This is our first time to this particular campground and Paisley's first ever camping trip. Beth backs the car into the dirt drive attached to our camp site.

  "Mommy we make smores?" Paisley asks.

  "Of course Pumpkin, later though. We need to set up first." Beth smiles, catching Paisley's gaze in the rearview mirror. She puts the car in park and places her hand on my thigh. "Baby?" She asks tentatively.

  "Yes?" I reply, putting on a smile. I've been in my head the whole drive. I am looking forward to spending time with my girls, I just wish the setting were different.

  "You alright?" She asks.

  "I am. Let's get settled in." I nod. Beth kisses my cheek, which makes me smile.
  "Uhh Jordan?" Beth asks skeptically as we step out of the car.

  "What?" I reply with a furrowed brow.

  "I know it's been a while since we've gone camping, but those shoes?" She laughs pointing down at my feet.  "Those aren't practical."

   "I'm fine." I say in defense. I'm wearing strappy summer wedges. I love these shoes. I'm not stupid though, I packed other shoes, besides we're only unpacking right now.  Beth shrugs and shakes her head, smartly keeping her mouth shut. She helps Paisley out of the car and then together we start pulling our supplies and gear out.

  We spend the next half hour unpacking the car and setting up the tent. Well Beth sets up the tent while Paisley and I put out our chairs and set up the cooler.

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