29. Chastity

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Beth's (Mommy) POV

  "What the hell is that?" I ask in a hushed whisper as Jordan pulls a strange looking device out.

  We've spent the entire day doing pretty much nothing. While camping in itself is a relaxing activity, packing and unpacking is certainly an ordeal. Plus we spent our time in the sun which really just brings out the exhaustion.

  Paisley has been napping on and off today since we got home. We just finished dinner, simple Chinese take out and she's already curled up in our bed, passed out. A paci hangs loosely in her lips and her bear is snuggled tightly to her chest. She hasn't set Buttercup down since Jordan sewed the bear up. Paisley's always loved her bear, but her attachment to it is suddenly tenfold after the little biking accident.

  I tucked Paisley into our bed for her nap because Jordan wanted to strip the sheets in Paisley's room. Looking at my sweet girl, I'm feeling tired myself and a nap sounds great. It's the weird device in Jordan's hands that has my curiousity peeked. Along with a flutter of nerves, mostly due to the look she's giving me.

  "Your punishment." She says nonchalantly.

  "Punishment for...?" I ask genuinely trying to think of what I've done to warrant being punished. If anything, Jordan's lack luster attitude all weekend should earn a punishment. But that's not my territory, I'm submissive to my wife for many reasons. Disinterest in rule setting and following through with punishment being one of those many reasons.

  "Those things you said while we sat out around the campfire. You know how I feel about my personal business, yet you shared things I've told you in confidence." Jordan says calmly.

  "Okay yeah..but with Paisley. What's the point of being in a relationship if we don't share with each other?" I counter. I would never have said the things I did to anyone other than Paisley. We're sharing our life with her.

  "Of course we should share, but my business is my business to tell. You said some really embarrasing things."

  "It was all in good fun baby." I say, nervously as she stalks closer with that strange device. How have I never seen that before? Is it new?

  "For you maybe. My idea of fun isn't reliving all my embarrassing moments." She says and I have to pointedly tell myself not to roll my eyes. She can be so dramatic sometimes. Sexy as hell though. I'll take whatever punishment she thinks is owed. Despite my nerves, I can't help but feel excited as well.

  "You're right. I'm sorry." I say, sucking it up and apologizing. I probably shouldn't have shared some of those stories anyway. Jordan hates being embarrased. But I was drinking and we have practically a lifetime of funny stories I just couldn't help but share. "Umm so what's that?" I ask pointing a finger.

  "This is a chastity belt." She smirks.

  I groan and shake my head. I assumed it was a device of bondage, but not that. Chastity belts were never something I really gave much thought to. It's not a limit, but it never appealed to me in a way that made me curious to try it. I'm realizing now that I've never even seen a chastity belt before.

  "How long do I have to wear it?" I whine. I used to push Jordan sometimes, just curious for what she'd come up with punishment wise. It was entertaining for us both in ways. I stopped pushing though when she really knew me inside and out. She knows exactly what drives me crazy and wearing that belt certainly will. I mean it's basically a metal thong with locks on it.

  "I haven't decided yet." She smirks.

  "Do I have to? Can't it be something else? Anything else?" I whine.

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