2. Contracts

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Jordan's (Mama) POV

  I unfortunately got stuck at work, much later than I wanted today. Teaching at the local college is a wonderful job and offers some flexibility, but things are always hectic for teachers and students alike the week before exams. I typically extend my office hours for my students during this time, but it certainly makes for a really long day.

  Today, however I have something extra special to look forward to. I've received several texts throughout the day from Beth who is picking our little girl up and getting her moved into the house. The idea of having a live in little, was Beth's. I'll admit, I was a hesitant at first. Opening our relationship up to a third party is a pretty daunting idea. So many things could go wrong. Plus Beth and I have a solid relationship, it just seemed unnecessary.

  Of course, if I'm being honest, it also stung a bit when Beth brought up the idea. I wondered if I wasn't enough for her. The thought hurt me, but we sat down like adults and talked it out. I was able to get on board with the idea after an intense, thorough conversation about limits and boundaries. We talked about our needs and wants in such a relationship and found the middle ground between us.

  Then we embarked on the journey of finding a little together. It took a lot of time and patience. We ran into dead ends and flaky women. We weeded out liars and cheats and then of course those just looking for meaningless flings. We gave up for a little while, because it hurt me seeing Beth so upset during the process. She would get her hopes up so high and then be crushed when things didn't work out.

  Then we met Paisley and things just clicked. Each time we saw that little ray of sunshine, we both lit up. We both had high hopes, which naturally made me nervous. When we proposed the idea of Paisley coming to live with us, she agreed so quick we all started laughing.

  After all the time searching, we finally found the perfect little girl. And she's at home with my beautiful wife waiting for me.

  "Hello my beautiful girls!" I smile walking up to the pair. Paisley is clinging to Beth like a koala bear. I can see her smile around the pacifier in her mouth as she mumbles my name. Beth looks completely in her element, cuddling our little one to her chest.

  Paisley's arms reach out to me and I walk into them, kissing her cheek and then sharing a kiss with Beth. Paisley is tiny, that's for sure, but I don't know if I have the strength to carry her around the way Beth is right now.

  "How was work?" Beth asks.

  "Long. I'm so glad to be home. Did you two get everything moved in?" I ask plopping down onto the couch with a sigh.

  "Yes we did." Beth smiles, sitting beside me with Paisley in her lap.

  "Mama." Paisley mumbles, drool escaping down her chin, as she boasts the same adorable smile.

  "Yes baby?" I ask pulling the pacifier gently from her mouth and wiping away the drool with my thumb.

  She whines and reaches for her pacifier as tears collect in her eyes.

  "Use your words please." I say softly, yet sternly. Between Beth and I, I'm surely going to end up the bad guy when it comes to sticking to rules.

  "My paci!" She grunts, reaching out again and slapping at my hand.

  "That's no way to get what you want, Paisely. Try again." I say.

  "Paci pease?" She asks softly, batting her pretty hazel eyes at me. I chuckle and pop it back into her mouth. "Tank ou." She mumbles and crawls her way over to my lap.

  "You're welcome sweetheart." I smile kissing her pacifier clad lips, which makes her giggle uncontrollably.

  "Who's hungry?" Beth asks slapping her hands lightly against her thighs.

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