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Harry smiled as he looked at the familiar weasley house

"Harry!" Ron yelled as he ran out of the house to hug his bestfriend. Harry smiled and hugged ron.

"Come inside, mums just finshed making lunch!" Ron said, pulling harry by his wrist. Harry smiled at the familiar face that welcomed him and he stumbled into the weasley house,

"Oh harry!" Hermione called running into Harry's arms. Harry smiled and hugged her back. It had been so long since he had seen any of his friends,

"Ah harry you're here! Come on sit down lunch should be finshed any minute now!" Mr weasley said smiling at harry, harry smiled back and sat at the table beside Ron.

"How have you been harry?" Hermione asked before taking a sip from her water. Harry sighed looking down, the holidays were never fun for harry. Living with his muggle family never went well, his uncle constantly pushing and bossing him around. Harry was their personal slave. Hermione sighed knowing what harry was thinking and placed a comforting hand on his telling him that she understood. Harry smiled gratefully at her

"Harry!" A sudden high pitch voice yelled. Harry looked over at the stairs to see Ginny weasley. Harry smiled at her as she came and sat down on the other side of him. Ron rolled his eyes and turned away from her. Harry looked at Ron confused but soon forgot about it when Ginny started talking

"How have you been-"

"I just asked him that!" Hermione yelled cutting her off. Harry looked at hermione shocked,  why were her and Ron being so rude to her?

"Oh hermione.. I need to talk to you!" Harry said suddenly remembering something important that he had to talk to her about. He would tell ron but.. well it wasn't exactly something he would talk to a weasley about. Hermione smiled and stood up. Ron went to stand up to put harry put his hand on his shoulder telling him to sit back down with an apology. But Before the two could leave Molly came in and sat food in front of them.

"Fred! George! Get down here!" She yelled before getting more food. Suddenly the twins came running down the stairs smiling widely. Molly soon called ginny to help her with the food, Ginny's seat was soon taken by George.

"Hiya Harry!" The twins said

"H- hi" harry replied.

"Fred and George have something they may want to tell you and hermione" Ginny said as she came back into the room

"Oh leave them alone!" Mrs weasley said as she walked in with the last two plates. Harry gave ginny a curious look, ginny smirked as she sat down next to her mother.

"You see harry fred and George-"

"Shut it!" Ron yelled cutting her off. She went red and looked down as Ron continued yelling at her,

"You have gone on and on about it and making a big deal out of it! The rest of us have accepted it so you should grow up and do so to! You're just making yourself look like a bad person!"

Nobody had tried to stop Ron yelling. Mr weasley nearly looked proud of Ron's outburst. Harry just looked down and slowly stated eating his mashed potatoes. Hermione and Mrs Weasley tried making conversation through out the rest of dinner but nobody really responded. After lunch Ron, hermione, fred, George and harry left to sit out in the sun. Harry lay down and sighed happily as the warmth of the sun covered him. Ron laughed and sat next to him. The twins were play fighting right in front of them and hermione was reading a book.

"I'm excited to go back to school y'know" ron said. The twins stoped fighting and sat in front of ron and the half asleep harry.

"Wonder who the new defense against the dark arts teacher will be" fred said

"Hopefully someone good! I'm not putting up with another horrible one!" Ron complained, hermione shut her book and rolled her eyes,

"As long as we are learning how to defend ourselves I really dont see why we should complain!"

"What if it's a horrible slytherin teacher!" The twins replied. Hermione only rolled her eyes and opend her book again, making harry laugh lightly. Harry sat up before he would fall asleep and rubbed his eyes yawning.

"Someones tired" the twins joked, harry just nodded his head

"Anyway what are you two going to do about Ginny?! Really you'll be lucky if she doesn't tell the hole school!" Ron said angrily. The twins sighed, harry and hermione looked at the three confused. The twins noticed this and sighed

"Think we should tell them?" Fred asked George. George nodded and took Fred's hand

"We well... we are together" they said smiling

"Together? Like together, together?" Hermione asked. The twins nodded their heads.

"Congratulations!" Harry and hermione said. The twins blushed

"But they have a crush on someone... I heard them both talking about him" Ginny said coming up behind the group

"Shut it you loud mouth!" Ron yelled. Harry gleard at her angrily

"Its really not your place to tell us that!" Hermione said angrily. Ginny rolled her eyes and sat down.

"So what's next? Ron are you gay?" She said dramatically

"I'm sorry but what's wrong with liking the same gender?!" Harry yelled, she jumped

"Nothing, its just... well I dont really want to be friends with them"

"Then leave! There are three gays here so why are you here?" Harry said. Ron, hermione and the twins looked at him with shock. Ginny gasped and stood up and stormed away. Harry rolled his eyes and looked down at the grass.

"Mate- are you gay too?" Ron asked quietly, scared that he would make harry more mad.

"Bisexual" harry mumbled staring at the ground

"But I like boys more"

Hermione wrapped her arms around him and kissed his cheek. Harry smiled shyly and lent into his friends touch.

"Boys! Hermione!" Molly called from the house. The four stood and walked to the house, fred and George holding hands

"Right now, we are going to get your school stuff tomorrow and then we dont have to worry about school until you all go back. Ginny wants her room to herself... I dont know where hermione will sleep.."

"She can sleep in me and Harry's room" ron said

"Hmm... I guess that's whats going to happen, Percy's getting back tonight around dinner" Hermione smiled and nodded her head.

"At least they will wake up at a normal time with me there" she smiled and started walking up the stairs with her things

"Wake me up and I'm sleeping in the bath!" Harry complained as he grabbed his own belongings. The twins and Ron laughed.

"I slept in there once, the back pain the next day in horrible!" George said. Harry turned around

"Why'd you sleep in there?"

"I dared him to" ron answered smirking. George rolled his eyes

"If shes to much sleep in our room-"

"He doesn't need to hear what you two do!" Ron yelled. Harry laughed and started walking up the stairs as they jokingly argued about it. When harry got to Ron's room hermione had already made another bed in the small room and was sitting on it. Harry took the bed that was left (the other one that was not rons) hermione gave him a small smile as he lay down on the bed.

"Sleep harry. You look exhausted" she said as she pulled out a book and lay on her stomach starting to read. Harry didnt need to be told twice. He got comfortable and let himself fall into a deep sleep.

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