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When harry woke there were voices whispering. Although harry couldn't make out what they were saying one voice sounded excited and the other two more worried. Harry opened his eyes and seen hermione and the twins sitting on her bed.

"Ah hes awake!" One of the twins yelled harry sat up and put his glasses on.

"What time is it?" He mumbled

"Past dinner. We thought it would be better to let you sleep. If you're hungry I'm sure mum would make something for you!" George said smiling. Harry just lay down again

"Are you still tired?" Hermione said trying not to laugh.

"Not really" harry said before he yawned.

"Oh yeah not tired he says!" The twins said before laughing. Ron walked in and sat down on Harry's bed. He looked at harry and sighed

"Ginnys told mum and dad about... well your sexuality. Shes saying you're gay only we know that you're bisexual. I tried to get her to shut up but she's crazy!" He said and as if she could hear them talking Ginny walked in and sat on Ron's empty bed

"So you're gay harry?" She said angrily

"No. I'm bisexual. Thanks for telling your mum and dad for me!" He almost yelled before he got up and walked out of the room slamming the door making everyone jump.

"Great job gin!" Fred said as he and George got up.

"Goodnight. Hope you're not a back stabbing ass tomorrow!" George said before they walked out the door. Ginny rolled her eyes. Harry soon walked back in ignoring Ginny

"Harry-" ginny said moving over to sit next to him on  his bed "-would you maybe want to go out of me?"

"Are you serious?!" Harry yelled. She jumped and looked down nervously

"After all the things you have done today you want me to go out with you?!" He continued.

"So is that a no?" She asked

"Of course it's a no! I like- well I don't like you!" Ginny sighed and looked down

"Well... who do you like?" She asked

"No. No absolutely not! You're never going to know!" Harry yelled.

"Ginny get out!" Ron yelled. She rolled her eyes and walked to the door

"Oh and harry... one day you and me will happen!" She said and with that she walked out. Harry rolled his eyes and lay down on his bed. Ron got into his bed, hermione in hers. Hermione soon fell asleep but harry and Ron stayed up a little longer to talk

"I woke up for like what? 5 minutes and she walks in and I'm instantly exhausted again" harry mumbled. Ron nodded in argument

"She thinks that you and her were 'ment to be' shes crazy!" Ron whispered.

After talking about Ginny for a bit longer the boys soon went to sleep.

When harry woke up ron was the only other one in the room.

"Morning!" Ron said cheerfully.

"Morning" harry mumbled sleepily. Ron laughed

"Hermione woke me up saying I snore to much. It's only 6am so feel free to go back to sleep. She left to read down stairs and I cant sleep" ron said rolling his eyes. Harry laughed and got up.

"I think I'll go for a walk before we leave" harry said as he grabbed clothes. Ron nodded his head,

"I would go with you but I have a little more homework I need to get done"

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