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Harry sat on his bed reading as the others took the makeup off. Percy got his off easy with magic but since everyone else was under age they couldn't and Percy wouldn't help them. Harry could hear the arguments going on in the bathroom. Laughing when ever someone cheered that they got more of the eyeshadow off.

"Harry" fred said coming into the room. His face was covered in face wash and the eyeshadow smudged all over his face. Harry laughed,


"How do you get this off?!"

"Come here" harry said patting the space in front of him. Fred moved across the room and sat down. Harry grabbed the face cloth from him and started to wipe some of the make up off his cheek, holing the other side of Fred's head to stop him moving.

"Your hands are cold" fred said as harry moved to wipe the make up from his eyelid.

"Sorry" harry said laughing a little. George came in, most of the makeup off his face but the mascara

"How do you get this horrible black stuff from your eyes?" He asked sitting next to his twin.

"Hold up" harry mumbled as he got all the eyeshadow off Fred's eyelid.

"Here" harry said placing Fred's face cloth down and grabbing the one in George's hand, he pulled George closer and told him to close his eyes and started to get the mascara off. It took a while but soon George's face was completely clean, no sign of make up was left on his face. He picked up the other cloth again and went back to cleaning Fred's face with out thinking. The twins smiled and how gently harry was cleaning the makeup from them. Once Fred's face was clean harry sighed in relief

"I'm never doing your makeup again" he said to them as he lent back on the headboard. The twins laughed

"Maybe once more" they both said. Harry laughed and shook his head.

"Is my face completely clean Georgie?" Fred asked looking at his twin with a massive smile

"Very! Mine?"


They went to kiss but stoped when harry talked,

"Dont you dare make out on my bed!"

"Why not?" Fred asked. George smiled

"Why, would you want to join?" George asked smirking

"Wh- what?! No!" Harry half yelled the twins laughed

"What a shame" fred said. Harry rolled his eyes. Ron walked in, his face completely clean.

"Hermione is still adding cream to her face" he mumbled falling down on his bed.

"She was the first to get her makeup off and shes the last to come out of the bathroom" he said looking over at harry

"Women" the twins said shrugging.

"What about us?" Hermione asked walking in with her hand full of different face creams.

"Oh nothing! Just that you take forever in the bathroom" the twins said

"Did you tell harry?" She asked siting on her bed

"No, we were going to but Ronald walked in" George said.

"Tell me what?" Harry asked

"Actually I dont think we should tell you" fred said looking down at his hands

"Are you joking?" Harry mumbled rolling his eyes.

"Is it what you just told me hermione? About them l-"

"Yes Ron!" She said cutting him off

"This has gone on to long! You two tell him right now or I will! I'm sick of the constant talking from all three of you!"

"Wait what! I'm the only one who doesn't know this thing?" Harry asked rolling his eyes.

"We will tell him tomorrow!"

"That's what you said last night"

"Come on hermione just tell him!" Ron said

"Fine!" She said the twins suddenly looked nervous and looked at harry worriedly

"Harry. Fred and George fancy you! Like really fancy you. Since the start of last year they have liked you" she said. Harry's heart started beating faster and faster

"Wait they like me back?!" He basically yelled at her. Hermione nodded her head

"Wait you like them?!" Ron asked. Harry now looked at Ron nervously

"Why didn't you tell me mate?" He asked

"Shut it Ronald!" Hermione snapped

"So now you know that they like you, they already knew that you liked them so me and Ron will leave and you three can talk it out" hermione said grabbing Ron's hand and pulling him out of the room

"What you two knew?" Harry mumbled looking at them. They nodded

"Y'know that day at the table when hermione stuck her tongue out at us? Well that was the sign that you like us" fred mumbled not looking at harry but down at his hands.

"That little-"

"We told her to!" George said cutting harry off


"Calm down..." fred mumbled. Harry sighed and let himself calm down.

"So ah..." George said after a while of silence

"Maybe we could take you on a date tomorrow?" Fred asked

"Wouldnt be anything to brilliant maybe just a walk or something-"

"I would love to" harry said cutting George off. The twins smiled and hugged harry

"Forgot to ask.... how long have you liked us?" Fred asked

"Middle of last year" harry mumbled shyly and looked down at his hands. Fred grabbed Harry's hands smiling

"Stop being so nervous!" He said laughing. Harry smiled and sighed trying to get rid of all his nerves

"What's going on?" Ginny asked walking in the room

"Go away!" The three said angrily

"Why? Why are you holding Harry's hands?" Ginny asked looking down at fred and Harry's hands. George got up and grabbed her arm pulling her out of the room and slammed the door in her face before walking back over to the bed and sitting next to harry.

"We will wake you up before breakfast tomorrow!" The twins said as hermione and Ron walked back in

"Oh are you three going on a date?" Hermione asked excitedly

"Yeah" the three mumbled blushing.

"You better not start telling them things before me!" Ron said sitting on the other side of harry

"I wouldn't dream of it" harry said laughing. Ron laughed and hugged harry and his brothers

"Now get out so harry can have his beauty sleep before to two wake him up tomorrow!" Ron said. The twins laughed and got off Harry's bed

"Night harry!" They called as they walked out. Harry lay down and closed his eyes

"If they want to get anywhere with you they are gonna have to learn to read when you are tired. Like I can" ron said as he got into his own bed. Hermione laughed

"I think they will pick that up soon enough" she said as she too lay down in her bed. Harry let sleep take over him, dreaming of how tomorrow was going to go

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