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Harry sat on the grass with hermione, ron and draco. The twins were play fighting a little away from them

"Wait so she turned you into a cat?!" Draco asked harry, his eyes wide looking at Harry's tail and ears

"Yeah" harry said

"Shes mental!" Ron mumbled

"And you actually can turn into a cat?" Draco asked. Harry nodded his head

"That's amazing! Imagine all the things you could do around Hogwarts with that! You could sneak anywhere!" Draco said gasping. Harry laughed and shook his head

"Them two will get me in enough trouble" harry said pointing over to the twins. They all laughed

"What are you gonna do when school goes back? You cant really come out with your relationship" ron said

"We haven't talked about it" harry mumbled

"What?! Harry we only have tomorrow left before school!" Hermione said angrily.

"I know 'Mione! I'm just to scared to talk about it" harry mumbled. Hermione rolled her eyes

"Talk about with them tonight then, yeah?" Said ron. Harry nodded his head.

"Could you braid my hair harry? I wanted to take a photo but I think it would look better if my hair was braided" hermione mumbled. Harry playfully rolled his eyes but stood up and took the hair brush hermione was holding and started to brush her hair

"Not to sound rude, but you and the twins! Never seen that coming" Draco said looking over at the two red heads who were now making out a little.

"Neither did I! But the past month or so they have been together kinda makes it seem natural now" hermione said. Harry looked over at the twins and blushed

"Haven't seen Ginny for a while" ron said

"Good" hermione and harry said simply. Ron smiled at them

"Suppose shes planning something to make this year hell for you three" draco said, moving a little closer to Ron with out anyone noticing

"Oh of course she is" harry said as he started to French braid half of hermiones hair

"Are you doing two?" Hermione asked him

"Yeah" harry said laughing. Draco had moved over to Ron so he now was sitting very close to the young red head. Draco placed his hand on Ron's, smiling at the deep blush that covered his face.

"Mind if I sit with you all?" Percy said walking over.

"Not at all!" They all said smiling at him. Harry tied off the braid he had just  done and picked the hair up on the other side of hermiones head and started to brush it

"Surprised the twins dont have you in their little make out spot over there" percy joked looking over at the twins. Harry laughed,

"I'm surprised they havent dragged me away from here yet" he said. Everyone laughed. Molly soon came out with cut up fruit and drinks for them all. She sighed when looked over at the twins

"Fred! George!" She yelled at them making them jump. They went red and walked over to the others taking some food and shoving it in their mouths

"Your mum is amazing at catching you three at anytime your making out" hermione said as harry took another hair tie from her and tied off the final braid.

"Come here kitten!" Fred said pulling harry into his lap and kissing the top of Harry's head

"Hmmm your so cute" fred mumbled as he wrapped his arms around harry and laid his head on the back of Harry's. Harry blushed and grabbed some fruit.

"I was gonna cuddle him" George complained glaring at fred. So instead George lay his head on Harry's lap, harry started playing with his hair almost instantly with out thinking.

"Aww you guys are so cute!" Draco said smiling at them. Harry blushed even more and looked away

"Oh why thank you" George said jokingly.

"Oh god ginnys coming" Percy said angrily. Harry rolled his eyes and looked down at George who already looked like he was ready to kill her. Harry bent down and kissed his lips

"Dont let her bother you" he said smiling at George. George smiled back, his eyes filled with an emotion that harry had never seen before. Ginny didn't say anything as she sat down, but harry and George hadn't realized she was even there, they were just looking into eachothers eyes completely unaware of their soundings. Harry's hand was on George's cheek and his thumb playing with George's bottom lip. Ginny was glaring at them angrily. George grabbed Harry's neck and pulled him down to kiss him. Fred smiled at them and started to play with Harry's tail that was wrapped around his waist. Harry jumped when Fred's hand ran up the tail close to where his tail connected to his body

"Dont!" Harry mumbled

"Why?" Fred asked, but looking at how red Harry's cheeks were he knew exactly what. Harry grumbled and grabbed more fruit before draco ate it all.

"Cats eat fruit?" George asked. Harry rolled his eyes

"I'm still human" he said glaring down at George

"Half human" George said. Harry shoved a square of watermelon into George's mouth to shut him up. Ginny was sitting there awkwardly watching them. She looked up at fred who was already giving her a death stare. She quickly looked away but almost everyone else was pretending she wasnt there. She decided that if she wanted to get Harry to be kinder to her she had to apologize

"Sorry harry" she said suddenly. Everyone looked at her, the only one not looking at her like they were going to kill her was harry who was looking at her surprised

"I didnt mean for you to he a cat-"

"You were gonna but a bloody love potion on me!" Harry said angrily cutting her off. She sighed and looked down at the grass.

"Dont talk to him!" Fred said as she went to talk again. She sighed angrily and looked at harry but harry was looking down at George who had eaten a piece of watermelon from Harry's hand to distract him. She felt like crying at the way harry was looking at him, almost as if he loved him. She didnt say another word and just started eating. George pulled harry down to kiss him again, their lips making a loud noise thanks to the juice from the watermelon. Suddenly there were loud snores coming from Ron, who's head was on dracos shoulder. Draco laughed smiled at the red head.

"Oh fun. Now there is those three and you two as well" Percy said jokingly. Harry suddenly let out a loud squeak and jumped off fred. They all looked at him but soon George took Harry's place quickly. Harry was dark red and glaring at fred. Hermione smirked, knowing exactly what was going on.

"Your sick" harry mumbled making himself comfortable sitting next to his two boyfriends


"Shut it" George said simply. Harry rolled his eyes and lay down letting sleep take over him. Almost as soon as he was asleep his body turned into his cat making draco yell in surprise, waking harry up instantly. He went to ask what he was yelling about but when a angry sounding meow came out instead harry instantly got embraced. George picked him up and held him against his chest kissing the top of his head

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