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"Harry!" A voice random said as someone shook harry.

"Wake up Potter!" Another voice said on the over side of him.

"Hmm what?" Harry mumbled sleepily

"Get up and get ready!"

"For what?" Harry asked, his eyes still closed he turned over from the voice talking

"For our date! Hurry up!" Both the voices said. Harry sat up now knowing exactly who the voices belonged to

"Here" one of them said handing harry his glasses. Harry looked up at the twins and yawned

"Its to early" he complained

"Oh stop being lazy and get up! We will wait at the table down stairs" they said and left the room. Harry smiled and got up pulling out his trunk and grabbing jeans and a hoodie. He ran quietly down stairs to see the twins sitting at the table as they had said

"Ah there he is!" The twins said standing up. The three walked out the door and started walking up the small hill. The twins grabbed Harry's hands making harry blush deeply. When they got up there harry seen a blanket

"A blanket?" Harry asked as the twins let go of his hands and sat down leaving a space between them for him.

"We thought maybe we all could watch the sun rise, there isn't much to do on a date here-" harry cut fred of by sitting next to them and taking their hands. The twins blushed. It was about 20 minutes until the sunrise and George noticed harry was starting to get a little sleepy

"Here" he said pulling harry into his lap. Harry rested his head on George's chest and wrapped his arms around him. Fred smiled at them and sat behind George, George rested his head on Fred's shoulder, his back to Fred's chest. George started playing with Harry's hair.

"Should we ask him today?" Fred asked before kissing the top of his lovers head. George smiled and nodded his head looking up at fred.

"We should kidnap him into our room and ask him after breakfast" George said yawning.

"Sleep love, I'll wake the both of you when it's time" fred whispered. George instantly let sleep take over his body. Fred smiled at the two boys in front of him. He and George had dreamed of being with harry for ages now, they loved the way harry ignored the attention and just stayed with his friends.

Harry moved a little in George's lap, he opend his eyes and looked up at the twins. Fred smiled at him getting a sleepy smile back. Fred looked down at his watch and then started to wake George. George opened his eyes and seen harry, he pulled harry closer

"One more minute Freddie!" He mumbled in to Harry's neck. Harry laughed and rested his head on George's chest again. Fred smiled and grabbed one of Harry's hands. Harry looked up and him and smiled before looking back out to where the sun was creeping over the mountains in the distance, covering the sky in a dark red.

"George wake up!" Fred said shaking his twin. George opend his eyes angrily but soon calmed down when he seen the sun and the sky.

"You two are unbelievable!" Fred said jokingly as harry moved in George's lap to get more comfortable.

"How so?" Harry asked

"Sleeping on a first date! Like come on!" Fred said laughing and the shocked faces on the other two.

"Sorry! You're boyfriend is comfortable to sleep on" harry said shrugging. George went to laugh but stoped.

"How about I become your boyfriend two?" He asked. Harry looked up at him

"Wait are you serious?" He asked

"And mine!" Fred half yelled. Harry laughed and sat up

"Really?" He asked weakly

"Really!" The twins said back

"Yes" harry mumbled. The twins both burst into a smile and pulled the smaller boy towards them. Harry smiled and cuddled into them as they watched the remainder of the sunset. They all walked back to the Burrow hand in hand.

"I would say that went well for a first date!" Fred said smirking. The other two gave him a cheesy grin. Harry opened the door to the Burrow.

"There you three are! Really harry you need to stop taking everyone on morning walks!" Molly said as they walked in, no longer holding hands

"Sorry molly" harry said smiling and sitting next to Ron at the table.

"I need to get your dad up so could you please watch the cooking? She asked the twins

"Sure mum!" They both said smiling. Ginny walked in and sat down in front of fred who was sitting next to harry.

"Maybe you should ask me on one of your walks tomorrow" she said smiling at harry

"Harry would rather take you know who on a date then go on a walk with you!" Ron said angrily. She rolled her eyes ignoring her brother and looked back at harry


"Absolutely not" harry mumbled. Ron laughed and shook his head

"Ah ginny, get the point! Hary doesn't like you!" Hermione said sitting down next to her. Ginny rolled her eyes

"Why are you even friends with him and Ron?"

"Why are you so fake?"

"Girls cut it out!" Molly said sitting down as Mr weasley walked into the room.

"Ginny i want you to stop making trouble" he said before starting to eat

"I'm not! Harry wont go out with me so I keep asking him"

"Well then stop asking he clearly isn't interested!"

"But dad-"

"Stop arguing with me and eat!" He yelled making everyone jump. The table was quiet. Harry's mind was racing, he was finally actually with the twins! Harry felt like he was in a dream. Suddenly he remembered something,

"Oh Ron! I'll help you with that letter today!" Harry said breaking the silence. Ron blushed and looked down mumbling a thanks.

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