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Fred looked all around the house for harry but couldn't find him. Everyone else was in the living room having games of wizards chess and not realizing harry was gone.

"I cant find harry anywhere and it's all your fault George!" Fred yelled as he walked into the living room

"What do you mean you cant find harry?" George asked

"Once I left him to talk to you he went missing and I have looked all around the house and outside but hes nowhere and it's all your fault for making him feel bad for being half bloody cat!" Fred yelled. George's face dropped, he thought fred was joking when he said harry was upset about it.

"Someone go tell molly and Arthur, we all will go looking for him!" Percy said getting up. Fred went outside to look for harry, George went after him

"Fred I didnt mean to make him upset..."

"Then why would you say 'I never thought I would date a cat' like you did? Anyone would think that you didnt want to be with them!" Fred yelled at his twin.

"You better hope we find him"

Hermione yelled for everyone to go back into the house. She was holding the clothes that harry had last been wearing.

"Hes in his cat form" she said holding up his hoodie. Fred took Harry's hoodie and put it on. At this point the faint smell of harry was enough to calm him.

"You really are falling in love with him" hermione mumbled to him. Fred sighed and walked outside with out saying anything.

"Harry!" He called as he walked up the hill where they had their first date, he felt like an idiot for not looking there.

George walked outside the house and screamed Harry's name as loud as he could. At this harry woke up, looking around confused as to who was yelling his name

"Harry! I'm sorry!"

George. Harry walked over to the other side of the roof and looked down at his boyfriend, who now was crying on the grass, his head in his hands. Harry felt like a complete idiot. He climbed down and ran up to him, meowing loudly when he was next to him

"Harry?" He asked looking over at the small cat beside him

"Harry!" He yelled happily picking up the cat and kissing his forehead and his ears

"I found him!" George screamed before hugging harry tightly. Everyone went running over to George

"I'm so so so so so so so sorry kitten!" He mumbled into Harry's fur. Fred ran over and smiled at the sight in front of him

"I never ment it like it sounded I promise!" George said again, starting to cry onto Harry's small cat neck. Fred sat down beside his brother and the small cat and pulled them both into a hug, well mostly George because he was holding harry so close that it was nearly impossible to touch him

"Never do that again" fred said to harry angrily and worriedly as George carried harry up stairs, fred holding Harry's jeans and shirt, forgetting he had Harry's hoodie on. They sat harry on the floor in the room and put his clothes on Fred's bed.

"Now get dressed and open the door when you are done" they said and walked out of the room closing it. Harry turned back into his almost human form and quickly got dressed. He opend the door and immediately George jumped at him wrapping his arms around harry and kissing him on the lips. Fred walked into the room and shut the door and laughed at the surprised look stuck on Harry's face, but harry soon melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms around George's neck. When they pulled away both their eyes were fill with emotion and sadness. George pulled harry close to him and kissed the top of Harry's head

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