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Ron won the chess match with George and now fred was playing with him.

"After this I'm playing harry!" George said getting up to open the window, some strange owl that nobody had seen before was there with an envelope tied to its leg.

"To Ronald Weasley!" George read. As he walked over to ron and handed him the letter. Ron looked up confused. Harry smiled

"Oh I know who it is! Maybe a strange blond boy maybe?"

"Shut up harry!" Ron grumbled and started to read the letter. He got more and more red as he read along.

"H- harry!" He cried out after he read it. Harry stood up and took the letter from him

Dear Ron

Sorry for not writing to you for sometime. Mother has been worried father would notice that I have been sending out letters. Anyway I found this strange owl in the garden yesterday so I took that as my chance to write to you.

I wish to ask you a question. I didnt have the bravery to ask at school so I'm just going to write it. Well I like you. A lot. As I'm sure hermione and harry noticed. I was wondering if you wanted to go on a couple of dates with me when school goes back? And maybe we can see where it goes from there

The owl will stay with you until I get a reply, again dont feel to much pressure!

Draco Malfoy,

"Ron you have to say yes!" Harry yelled as he jumped on to Ron and wrapped his arms around him before pulling away and standing over him

"You liked him for ages! You must say yes!"

"I- I do want to say yes... i d- dont know how!" Ron said

"Wait a boy? So you are gay too? What's next Percy? Bill? Honestly!" Ginny yelled and then she stormed up stairs.

"anyway-" harry said rolling his eyes. "- me and hermione will help you!"



"Thanks mate"

"No problem, now continue your chess" harry said as he took the letter over for hermione to read. Once she read it she smiled and nodded to harry telling him she would help. Molly soon got back and handed every child their books. Ginny came running downstairs and went to her mum

"Mum Ronalds gay!"

"I know" molly said as she gave harry his books and his left over money.

"How?!" Ginny screeched

"Because he told me last year! Now stop telling me when people come out as liking the same gender! It makes no difference!" Molly yelled at her daughter and then turned around and left to talk to arthur. Ginny rolled her eyes and walked back to her room, slamming the door shut.

"Come on harry!" George said grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him over to the chessboard. Harry went dark red at his hand being held by one of the twins.

They started playing, fred went and sat next to his twins and wrapped his arms around George's waist and rested his head on his shoulder watching them play. They continued to play, George's hand would brush against Harry's every now and again, harry trying hard to ignore this and shove his feelings away but it only made them stronger. Harry couldn't help but wish that he and fred were cuddling against George. All three of them together. Being able to hold eachother whenever. Harry cuddling the both of them tightly...

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