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Harry woke up the next morning feeling rather fine. Although his head felt rather odd. There was a gasp beside him as he sat up

"What?" He asked turning to hermione she didnt say anything's he just handed him her small mirror that was sat beside her bed. He looked at her odd and looked into mirror, suddenly he felt as if he couldn't breathe. He had cat ears. He quickly grabbed his behind, just below his back and gasped when he felt a cat tail. He pulled it around and gasped at it.

"Hermione" he said, his voice breaking. Hermione looked at him nervously.

"I'll go get Arthur!" She mumbled getting up and running out of the room. Soon Ron woke up

"What the bloody hell?" He asked staring at harry, his eyes wide.

"I don't know" harry replied, pulling his blankets over his head. Ron sighed and moved over to Harry's bed

"Ginny huh?" Ron mumbled. Harry looked down awkwardly, it could only be her.

"Ron, can you go get fred and George?" Harry asked quietly. Ron gave him a weak smile and nodded his head. Once ron was gone harry started to cry, why had she done this? Was it reverseable? How had it gotten into Harry's body?

"Harry!" The twins yelled running at him. Harry sat up not giving time for the twins to really see him before he pulled them both into a hug and cried into Fred's chest.

"Harry" George mumbled pulling away and gasping at the moving ears on Harry's head and the long tail. Fred soon pulled away at the sound of George's gasp, before gasping himself.

"Ginny that little bloody git!" George whispered angrily. Harry bit the inside of his cheek nervously. Fred pulled harry onto his lap and rubbed his back to try and calm the small boy down. It wasnt working. George just sat back, to angry to even comfort his half cat boyfriend. Harry started crying into Fred's chest again, his pants were pulled up as much as they could to try and not show his bum but also not to go over top of his tail, but it was pushing his tail awkwardly and it hurt. Arthur and hermione soon walked in, Arthur ran to harry. He pulled harry from fred and ran with him out of the room. Harry was most upset that he had been pulled away from his boyfriend but was happy to hear the twins right behind Arthur. Molly gasped and ran to harry as Arthur sat him down. Harry made a loud noise in pain as his pants pulled up over his tail. Arthur's eyes went wide

"What hurts?" He asked

"M- my ta- tail" harry mumbled embarrassed. Arthur sighed and nodded his head. To Harry's surprise he rolled harry over onto his side and ripped a hole in Harry's pants, harry was able to pull his tail through easily

"Thanks" harry mumbled. Arthur moved out of the way to owl someone and fred quickly took his place, grabbing Harry's hand and kissing his forehead. George, again just stood back and watched. Arthur sent a letter away with Ron's owl and then sighed looking at harry

"That girl of ours must have done this!" Molly said to her husband. Arthur nodded his head, he clearly already thought so.

"Did she help you with dinner last night?" He asked her. She nodded her head

"She would have put something is Harry's food or drink" Arthur said watching as fred picked harry up and sat down on the couch placing harry in his lap and wrapping his arms around him, kissing Harry's head and whispering calming things to him. Harry's tail was swaying side to side happily. At this fred smiled.

"Harry?!" Screamed ginny, who had just came downstairs. Harry ignored her and just cuddled more into fred.

"You!" George yelled at her making everyone in the room jump.

"What is your problem?" He continued starting to walk over to her. Nobody done anything, they were waiting to see what was going to happen

"You done this didnt you?" He said angrily. Ginny took a deep breath and nodded her head. Molly went red and went to yell at her but Arthur stoped her making it clear that George was going to do a good job of yelling at the small girl himself.

"You're so selfish! You dont have to ruin everything you know! For once just keep to your self! Like we have said you're not the only one here that likes harry for god sake you git! Hes in a relationship with me and fred because he wants to be! What do you think? Now that hes half bloody cat hes going to want you?!" George yelled. Harry was now very still in Fred's lap, watching to see what was going to happen. Someone had walked into the house but nobody really seemed to pay attention, they were watching the fight hardly even blinking not wanting to miss a moment.

"I didnt mean to! It was ment to be a love potion but I messed it up and done the other page of the book! I'm sorry harry-"

"Dont you dare talk to him!" George yelled over her. She jumped and looked over at Harry, who had tears dried to his face, his eyes still red and puffy from crying. She looked back at her brother nervously.

"Looking at the mess you made have you?" George yelled.

"Mr weasley!" The voice of one of the men who had just walked in said making everyone look over at the door. Harry jumped up from Fred's lap and ran over to hagrid. He wrapped his arms around him tightly. Hagrid tapped the top of Harry's head awkwardly, trying not to hit one of the boys ears. Fred smiled at his boyfriend and walked over to him to pull him off the giant.

"Ah albus! Severus! Hagrid!" Molly said welcoming them in to sit at the table. Molly looked over at harry who was being kissed all over the face by fred. Everyone sat at the table (harry and fred after everyone else) George sat beside harry as if defending him, ready to attack anyone who would dare say hello to him. George's hand was holding Harry's tightly under the table, the only contact that George had given harry after seeing his appearance. Fred's hand was on Harry's knee trying to comfort him.

"So Miss Weasley" snape said to ginny

"You read the wrong page of a potions book.... may I see the book please?" He asked her. Although he never cared much for harry he seemed more angry then harry had ever seen him. By that meaning he actually seemed like he was angry, like he had emotions. Ginny ran up stairs and came back with a rather large and thick book, placing it down in front of Severus. He read the front page of the book and then looked up at Ginny dangerously

"This book has forbidden potions in it! Where did you get it?!"

"I- it has?" She mumbled

"Yes! Every potion in this book can not be reversed!"

"Wait so I'm stuck like this forever?!" Harry nearly yelled angrily

"I'm sorry my boy but it looks that way" Dumbledore said. Harry let go of George's hand and ran up to Ron's room.

"Why would you use a book like this?" Severus asked her angrily

"I- I didnt know that it was-"

"Who gave it to you?"

"I found it on my bed last year"

"And you thought that a random book laying on your bed randomly was okay to copy from?" Severus snapped. Ginny looked down and didn't talk. Molly was red with anger, holding on to Arthur's hand rather tightly. Fred had taken Harry's seat and was holing his twins hand tightly. The twins wanted to attack their sister at this point but they had to hold their anger in. Ginny had to leave with Dumbledore and the other two men. The twins ran upstairs to Ron's room and opened the door, harry had cried himself to sleep and was hugging his pillow tightly. Fred walked over and picked him up carefully and carried him to his room. George and fred cuddled one another on Fred's bed leaving harry on George's knowing he would want the space for now.

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