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Harry had gone for a walk to clear his head. He found himself sitting where he and the twins had their first date together. He smiled remembering that morning, you could see the Burrow from up here, harry could see hermione, ron and the twins sitting around a game of wizards chess, all laughing together. Harry smiled at his boyfriends, fred was in George's lap and was playing against hermione. Harry closed his eyes letting the wind run through his hair and fur.

"Hey harryyyyyyy!" Ron yelled waving his arms like crazy. Harry laughed and waved back. Ron started running to the hill and soon was sitting next to harry

"Are you going to die from running oh so far?" Harry asked him laughing.

"Not yet" ron said laughing along

"So... half cat huh?" Ron said looking at Harry's ears and tail. Harry nodded his head

"The twins keep going on how cute you are, they say you were already adorable before but now you're 'unbearably adorable and cute' " Ron said. Harry laughed and looked down at his boyfriends, George was already looking up at him and waved when he seen harry looking. Harry smiled and waved back.

"Do you think you will ever love them?" Ron asked

"Yeah.... one day" harry said laughing. Ron smiled

"Imagine if you three get married! You'll be my brother in law!" Ron said excitedly. Harry smirked at him before laughing

"Imagine that" harry mumbled, he blushed at the thought of being married to the twins. He had looked in hermiones book one night and there was a way to bond them all forever, imagining being so connected to the twins was already like a crazy dream to harry.

"Someone's falling in looooveeeee" Ron sang smiling at harry. Harry rolled his eyes and playfully pushed Ron. They both laughed and just sat watching fred and hermione playing chess.

"Wait who won?" Harry mumbled, both of them were looking as if they were celebrating.

"No one" Ron said confused.

"Maybe they just really dont know how to play" harry joked. They both laughed.

"Harry! Harry! Get here now!" Hermione yelled

"No! No! It's okay!" Fred yelled back. Harry raised his eyebrows at them.

"Ah.. she knows something we wont know until she tells you for them" ron said rolling his eyes

"Just like last time" harry said before laughing

"Wait should they not tell you first?" Ron asked confused

"I dont mind, there are things only you know about me that they will never know" harry said smiling wide at his bestfriend. Ron smiled and looked up at the sky

"Snape is coming back with Mcgonagall to see if you can turn into a cat tomorrow" ron said

"Do you think I can?" Harry asked nervously

"Well, if ginny made the potion right you will"

"Well lets hope she failed" harry mumbled looking at the Burrow sadly.

"Why dont you try right now?" Ron asked

"And how am I ment to do that?" Harry asked looking at Ron with an eyebrow raised

"Just think about turning into one, Mcgonagall said that's how she does it remember? She just thinks of her body being a cat" ron said shrugging.

"Doesnt make sense" harry mumbled looking back over to his boyfriends who were now play fighting again.

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