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"I found him!!!" Bane called out to Magorian. Magorian came running over to him.

"Hes dying from the cold! We need to get him to Albus, now!" Bane said as Magorian picked up Harry's bag.

They ran into Hogwarts and up to the hall where everyone was having dinner. They ran in with harry

"We found him!" Bane yelled. The hall looked at him

"We need to get him a bed now! Hes dying from the cold!" Magorian said. Dumbledore ran over to harry and took him and the bag from them saying a large thanks before running with the small boy in his arms. Fred and George got up and ran out after him.

Harry was placed on one of the beds in the hospital room. madam pomfrey came running up to the bed and done a magical look over him. At that moment hope jumped out from where she was hiding in Harry's pocket and stood defensively on his chest.

"Ah and who are you?" Dumbledore asked the baby niffler. The niffler didnt move, she glared at all of them

"If you dont move hun I wont be able to help him" madam pomfrey said calmly. Fred and George just stood there looking at the pasted out harry. The couldn't care less about the niffler. George squeezed Fred's hand as the small animal moved beside Harry's head on the pillow.

"I just need to set some simple spells on him and he should wake up tonight or in the morning. I suppose you two will want to stay for a bit?" pomfrey asked the twins. The twins nodded hoping they could be there when harry woke up. Dumbledore said his goodbyes and left. Soon when madam pomfrey had finished placing healing spells on harry she left the twins in the empty room with harry.

The twins sat on either side of harry and watched as hope sat back on Harry's chest. She seemed to realize that the twins ment something to harry and let them hold his hands. George started to play with Harry's hair, brushing it out of his face.

"I'm sorry" George mumbled to him.

"If we knew you would hand ran away for three days and nearly die-" fred said but couldn't talk as tears started to fall down his face. Hope looked up at them and then walked over to Harry's face. Over the last two nights she found a way that woke harry up rather quickly. She moved to his right ear and stuck her tail roughtly into his cat ear. Harry moved his head and held onto the twins hands tighter. Hope done it one more time and that was enough for harry to sit up quickly. He looked around the room and then at the twins. His face dropped of any kind of surprise as to why he wasn't in the forest anymore.

"Kitten-" George said softly. Harry looked at him nervously. Harry grabbed hope and cuddled her into his chest. Fred had never seen harry look so broken, it made him cry more.

"I love you too, harry" George said softly. Fred looked at his brother in shock. Harry's gonna think hes mental!

"Wh- no. No you don't!" Harry said pulling his knees up to his chest and pulled hope closer. Harry started to cry taking hope by surprise. She cuddled into harry as much as she could.

"I- I'm ju- just a game t- to you" harry said as he cried. George and fred cried harder.

"Harry please listen"fred said placing his hand on harry tail trying to comfort him. Harry just looked at as if telling him to go on. Fred sighed before talking, George continuing his sentences

"You see harry it was Ginny and Cedric diggory-"

"- they said they would tell the public about our relationship-"

"-and you know what would happen-"

"- we would go to azkaban for twin sex and well-

"-you would be humiliated daily by the public!". Harry didnt say anything. He just looked up at the twins trying to think if what they had just said was true or not.

"I-" harry started to say but he was cut off when Ginny and Cedric came running into the room. They glared at the twins but soon turned their attention to harry

"Harry are you okay?!" Cedric asked

"Its Potter" harry mumbled. Cedric looked shocked

"And leave my relationship alone!" Harry yelled taking the other 3 and hope by surprise. At that exact moment Dumbledore and Mcgonagall came walking in with Cornelius Fudge.

"Weasley, Diggory!" Dumbledore said angrily.

"W- why is Fudge here?" Harry asked.

"Soon harry" Dumbledore said before looking back at the obsessed gits.

"You two are expelled from Hogwarts!" Dumbledore said angrily

"All we done was-"

"You blackmailed students. I take it it's not the first time for the both of you. You had potions. Ones that not aloud at all. Under any circumstances!" The two went red.

"And that! Could get you two in azkaban!" Fudge said angrily. Fred jumped as harry grabbed his hand. What harry had just heard the two old men say was more then enough for harry to completely believe the twins. Mcgonagall took the two out of the room and out to the train to send them home.

"Now!" Fudge said looking at the three who were now all sat on the bed, George hugging harry's and fred holding Harry's hand and smiling lovingly at him.

"I am here because this relationship here is obviously now very public. Dumbledore asked me here to bond you all together"

Harry's eyes widened

"B- i- wh-" harry couldn't find the words to say

"B- bond? Like f- forever?" George said

"Yes my boy" said Dumbledore's looking at George over the top of his glasses "bond"

"But- H- harry's only 15"

"I must say-" Fudge said "you three already have a crazy trust for one another. I do believe that although you and your relationship is still very young, that you three will forever be together"

"I'll do it" fred said holding Harry's hand tighter

"Me too" George said. This left harry to say his answer.....

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