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It was now the next day, harry was running to potions class already 20 minutes late. Fred had found him walking to class and pushed him to an empty classroom and had refused to let him leave.

"Late potter?! 50 points from gryffindor!" Snape said angrily as harry walked in. Harry sat down and tried to listen to snape but his mind was racing. George hadn't said the three words back to harry, in fact he hadn't talked to harry since harry had said anything. He felt sick, what if he had moved to fast for him?

The day dragged on. Harry not really listening to anyone. At lunch harry ran into the great hall looking for the twins but they weren't there.

"Where are they?" Harry asked lee

"Ah harry! Not sure, thought they would be with you, weren't in DADA" lee said awkwardly

"Dont think she had them do you?" Neville said from beside lee

"Not so soon she wouldnt surely!" Harry said. He ran to the gryffindor common room and was beyond happy when the seen the twins sitting in front of the fire.

"There you two are! You had me worried sick!" Harry said smiling at them but they only looked at him, not a hint of joy of seeing him.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Harry asked

"We are sorry harry, we didnt mean to lead you on! We didnt think it would get to the point you would actually love us" fred said looking down at his hands. Harry's heart dropped, what was he saying?!

"Wh- what?" Harry whispered

"Harry, you- you shouldn't have got into this with us" George said looking at harry with no emotion

"What on earth are you talking about?! Fred, last night you said-"

"That was to see if you had made the mistake in falling for us" fred said cutting harry off. Harry didnt believe anything they were saying... his stomach hurt and his heart felt heavy.

"I- so you... you don't..." harry asked looking at fred. Fred shook his head

"Are- are you breaking up with me?" Harry mumbled, his eyes full of tears. The twins nodded their heads

"I'm sorry harry-"

"Save it!" Harry yelled at them and stormed out of the gryffindor common room. Once harry was long gone Ginny and Cedric came out from their hiding spot

"Looks like you saved your perfect little lives from being thrown into azkaban and little Harry Potter from public humiliation" Cedric said smirking at the two.

"Oh dont look so sad! He was never ment for you!" Ginny said before she and diggory

The twins sat there heart broken. The look on Harry's face had distorted both of them

"Georgie..." fred mumbled, his voice breaking.

"I know" George mumbled and pulled his crying twin into a hug.

Harry ran and ran. He didnt know where he was going, only that he needed to go away, far away. He soon found himself running through the forest, sticks and branches hitting his legs as he ran. He wanted to get lost in here. Maybe that way he would never see the twins again. Harry dropped onto his knees and started to let out deep heart filled crys of heartbreak and pain. His heart was heavy and his body was skaking.

"She was right!" Harry screamed into the forest

"She was fucking right the hole time!"

Harry lifted his hands to his chest and held them there as if it would help the pain flowing through his body. With each cry his body shook violently. His world felt as if it was breaking down around him. The twins were gone! They lied!. Harry soon lent up against a small tree, his tail wrapped around it for the slightest touch of company.

"They're gone" he whispered to himself

"Wheres harry?!" Hermione said angrily as she, ron, draco and Neville walked up to the twins.

"Did he not tell you?" Fred asked looking at the group

"We aren't a thing anymore, good luck looking for him" George said. But hermione noticed his voice breaking

"You what?! You fucking gits!" Ron screamed and went to move over to them but draco grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

"I'll kill you!" Ron screamed at them.

"Baby calm down" draco said as he kissed the top of his boyfriends head to calm him down, but this didnt work. As of now nothing could calm the redhead down

"Wait to I get my fucking hands on you-"

"She made us!" Fred yelled over his brother.

"What?" Draco said looking up at them

"Ginny. Ginny and diggory." Fred said.

"They said that if he didnt end things with harry they would expose our relationship to the public... we could get thrown in jail for twin sexs... and harry wouldnt have a his reputation anymore" George said

"Idiot's!" Hermione yelled

"I was looking through the top secret laws of the ministry and four years ago it said that three way marriage, and twin love is legal!" She yelled.

"I was about to tell you three at lunch!"

"Okay but we still need to find harry!" Neville said

"Right, Neville, go get luna, dean, Seamus, lee and Hagrid! Tell them to all look for harry!"

"What if we dont find him?" Draco asked as Neville ran off

"We'll have to tell mcgonagall and Dumbledore everything" hermione said.

The next day harry woke up exactly where he had cried himself to sleep. He was cold, and he was without the twins. He thought about turning into a cat but he also didn't want to lose his robes. He sat back and looked out into the never ending trees.

"I'm not going back" he whispered to himself. He started crying again as flashes of him and the twins ran though his mind. He heard a little nose and then something brush his hand. He yelled in surprise but looked down to see a baby black and white niffler. He smiled at it and gently picked it up

"Running away two, yeah?" He said to it as he started to rub his thumb over it's small head, smiling as it smiled at the contact.

"Hungry? I think I have a cookie in my bag" he said as he moved one had over to his school bag. Sure enough he pulled out a half eaten cookie. Fred was the one who had eaten the other half. Harry smiled sadly at the memory before forcing himself to only think of the small creature he held. He picked a bit from the cookie and held it up to the nifflers mouth. The niffler took it from his fingers and ate it happily.

"You're adorable aren't you" harry said smiling at it. Once the cookie was eaten he sat it on the ground

"Go on" he said shoving it away. To his surprise, no matter what he said the niffler stayed.

"I dont have any gold on me so why are you still here?" Harry asked it confused. The small niffler simply made a small noise of joy and tried to climb back into Harry's lap. Harry smiled and picked it up holding it against his chest.

"Want to be my pet then?" He asked it. It made a loud noise of joy and pushed up against his chest more

"What shall I name you?" He asked it looking down at it lovingly.

"Hmm...." he mumbled

"I cant give you a human name.... maybe.... hope?"

The small animal made a loud noise in agreement and closed its eyes

"Hope it is" harry mumbled.

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