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"Why did you have to punch her" harry mumbled as he and George were looking at the bruising that was forming on Fred's knuckles. Fred sighed and looked down at the bed sheets

"I cant let her talk to you like that... you do know that me and George would never do that to you!" He said looking back up at harry as he finshed his sentence. Harry smiled at him and nodded his head

"Yeah I know that" he mumbled back. Fred smiled and kissed Harry's forehead.

"What do you think shes gonna do? I mean shes gonna do something right? Back at school" George said moving to cuddle into his twins chest.

"She definitely will go out of her way to do something" harry mumbled laying down on Fred's bed and sighing angrily

"Oh well. We'll get through it all" fred said trying to give more hope to his boyfriends. Harry nodded his head and sat himself up on his elbows to look at his cuddling boyfriends

"What if she tells the school... you two could get arrested" harry mumbled

"Harry shut up!" George said making harry look at him worried

"We have a loophole already" he said quickly seeing the scared look on Harry's face

"What is it?"

"No no. We will tell you when the time comes if we must use it" George said smirking at the half angry look on Harry's face

"Y'know that book hermione has been reading?" Fred asked harry

"Yeah. What about it?"

"That book has loopholes in it for things like this. Twins can be a couple!" Fred said but stoped talking when George hit the back of his head.

"But hopefully she doesn't take it that far" George said placing his hand on Harry's knee.

"You don't know with her" harry mumbled laying back down. The twins sighed at their boyfriend and looked at eachother worriedly. They lay on either side of him and wrapped their arms around him

"Dont worry about her harry-"

"-we are not at school yet-"

"-and everyone here doesn't care-"

"-that we are related-

"-and that us three are together-"

"-so lets just be thankful for that-"

"-and forget about that git!"

Harry laughed and smiled at them as a 'okay' George smiled and kissed harry on the lips, and then fred.

"And we will have an army! I'm sure draco wouldnt care, we have ron and hermione! Neville shouldn't care! Hagrid would think we all were cute and blaise and Pansy would stick up for anyone to get on Ginnys bad side" harry mumbled. The twins laughed and nodded their heads

"See! Us all against her!"

"And mom, trust me she would be scary if Ginny told the school" fred said as he started to play with Harry's hair. Nothing more was really said, one of Fred's arms was laying across Harry's waist and his other arm was holing him up on his elbow as his hand played with Harry's hair. George had his head on Harry's chest, one of his arms was laying just above Fred's and his other hand was holing Harry's. One of Harry's arms was under George and wrapped around for Harry's hand to hold George's waist. His other hand was on Fred's arm that was wrapped around him.

Soon George's soft snores filled the room making harry and fred smile. Fred lay down on his arm that he had been sitting up on and closed his eyes soon falling asleep. Harry also let sleep take over him.

"Aww look at them!" Molly said to hermione as the two stood in the door way a little while after they had all fallen asleep.

"I hope ginny doesn't ruin this"

"She cant, I have a feeling Fred's already falling in love with harry" hermione whispered back.


George was the first to wake up, he smiled at the sight of his sleeping boyfriends. It was now dark outside the window, and their was no noise meaning that the hole house was asleep. He got up being careful not to wake his boyfriends and left the room to get a water. As he walked down the stairs he heard two angry voices, although he knew it was wrong to listen in to other conversations when he heard his name he had to listen.

"Its stupid! They are wrong for eachother!"

"Ginny cut it out now!"

"I'm just looking out for harry! You'll see they'll ruin them!"

"Go to your room now!"


George quickly ran back upstairs before Ginny would see him. He walked back into his room to see fred looking at him.

"Where'd you go?"

"To get a drink"

"Where is it"

"I didnt actually get one"


"Ginny and dad were talking... we need to keep a close eye on harry this year... I know it sound stupid because we just started dating but I cant lose him!" George whispered looking down at the sleeping boy who, since he had left, was now cuddled into Fred's chest, his hair covered his face and fred had taken his glasses.

"Same here Georgie" fred whispered taking his twins hand and smiling weakly at him. He kissed fred and smiled

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"And I think I'm falling for harry.."

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