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"What's going on?" Harry mumbled as he walked downstairs. The hole family was quiet and staring at the paper

World cup canceled because of sightings of he who must not ge named

"What?!" Harry whispered. Fred grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him down into his lap

"Wait why didnt anyone tell me that it was this year?!" Harry asked crossing his arms over his chest dramatically

"It was gonna be a late birthday gift from us... dad managed to get tickets" ron mumbled looking down into his cup of water. Harry sighed awkwardly and looked down at his hands. Fred kissed his forehead and pulled harry into him wrapping his arms around Harry's waist and hiding his face in Harry's neck. Harry wrapped his arms around Fred's neck. George didnt bother comforting his boyfriends, he just stared at them. Ginny watched him and smirked, she had stayed up late thinking of ways to ruin her brothers relationship with Harry, at this point she just wanted them apart for fun.

"Well... I'm more then sure they will have the game as soon as the dark lord leaves again!" Mr weasley said grabbing the paper and shoving into his jacket pocket.

"Mom" ginny said suddenly. Molly looked over at her daughter

"May I use the cauldron? I wanted to get started with potion making so I wont fail class" she lied. Molly smiled weakly at her daughter and nodded her head leaving to get the cauldron. Ginny smirked, she was going to ruin Fred's life!

Fred and harry walked outside, fred was a bit of a mess, he had been waiting for this for years. Harry didnt say anything to him, he just held his hand. Fred soon pulled harry closer to him and sat down with harry in his lap. He just ran his hands over every single curve in Harry's face, other every small freckle.

"You're beautiful" he whispered to harry. Harry blushed and looked down

"Hey stop doing that, it's cute when you blush" fred mumbled lifting Harry's head up.

"Are you two not leaving George out?" Ginny said walking over to them. Fred rolled his eyes

"He knows where we are, you can see is from the kitchen window. If he wants to come out he will" fred said angrily. Ginny shrugged and walked away

"That was easy" fred mumbled looking back at harry. Harry laughed quietly and got off fred and lay on the grass looking up at the sky. Fred smirked and watched him over his shoulder. Harry started pointing out different cloud shapes but fred wasnt listening, he was studying Harry's face closely.

"Helloooooooo? Earth to fred!" Harry said laughing. Fred laughed and rolled his eyes playfully


"What are you thinking about?" Harry asked looking at him curiously. Fred smiled and straddled harry.

"Doing this" he mumbled before laying a soft kiss on Harry's lips. Harry smiled and placed his hand on the back of Fred's neck keeping him close. Fred moved his hands to the grass on either side of Harry's head to keep him up as he started kissing harry deeper. Harry stared pulling himself up towards fred, fred replied by grabbing Harry's wrists and then pining them down above Harry's head and moved to kissing Harry's neck. He started softly and then started kissing roughly, soon biting down on Harry's neck warning harry that he was going to leave little love bites all over his neck. Fred soon pulled away to look at the art he had created on Harry's neck and smirked at the forming red marks. He then went back to kissing Harry's lips roughly. An owl came swooping down and hit Fred's back

"What was that?" Fred asked pulling away, harry looked over to see dracos owl. He smiled and indicated for fred to get up and then ran over to the owl.

"Come inside I'll get you some water" he said to the owl who looked back at him gratefully, harry picked up the letter and the owl and then called fred over and walked inside. He dropped the letter on Ron's lap and walked over to the sink and got out a small bowl and started filling it with water. As he did so he felt to arm wrap around him and someone kissing his neck.

"I hate the bloody owl for interrupting us" fred whispered in Harry's ear. Harry blushed and turned around enough to quickly kiss Fred's lips

"You're to caring for owls" fred said as he rested his head on Harry's shoulder. Harry laughed and rolled his eyes, sitting the bowl down full of water for the owl.

"I'll go get some owl food" fred said kissing Harry's cheek and running up stairs. He heard two voices in ginnys room he placed his ear against the door to listen in

"You shouldn't be doing this! What are you making?!" Hermione asked angrily

"Nothing really" Ginny shrugged

"Then why is there cat hair there may I ask?"

"Potions hermione"

Fred rolled his eyes and walked away to his room. George was in there looking out the window

"Hello love" fred said brightly and kissed his brother

"Why are you and harry not making out anymore? I was enjoying the show" George joked making fred roll his eyes.

"Dracos owl, you should come downstairs" fred replied going over to George's bed (where George never slept anymore, he was always in Fred's bed) and grabbed some owl food. George held out his hand making fred laugh and take his hand. When the twins got back downstairs they couldn't believe what they were seeing. Ron was standing on the table scrambling, hermione was running around with a jar and harry was sitting on the couch laughing so much his face was dark red and tears were streaming down his face, he was clutching his stomach in pain from laughing so much.

"Hermione get it!" Ron screamed. This made harry laugh even more making it nearly impossible for him to breathe

"Harry shut up this is all your fault!" Ron yelled angrily, making harry laugh even more. The twins walked over to their boyfriend and sat down next to him

"What's going on?" George asked harry

"I- I l- let a s- spider I- in and I- its un- under the t- table" harry managed to say, still laughing uncontrollably. The twins smirked and looked under the table, sure enough a medium sized spider was under there.

"Haaaaarryyyyyyyyyy" ron yelled jumping off the table and onto Harry's lap and the spider began climbing the table leg. This made harry laugh even more grabbing onto Ron trying to get his laughing under control.

"Got it!" Hermione said quickly shoving the lid over the jar and smiling at her accomplishment.

"Ooo let's see" harry said getting up but Ron grabbed him and shoved him into George

"You'll throw it at me!" Ron yelled

"That's the hole point!" Harry yelled back before laughing again. Ron looked over at the jar and ran up to his room.

"You are terrible harry" hermione mumbled rolling her eyes playfully.

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