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"Ahhhhhhhh!!" Ron screamed running into the twins room where harry, fred, George and hermione were.

"What?" Harry asked

"Mums letting draco come over tomorrow! He staying here and going to school with us!" Ron said jumping up and down on the spot. Everyone laughed

"Where is he going to sleep?" Hermione asked. Ron's face dropped, he hadn't thought of that

"He can sleep in Harry's bed, harry can move in here with us!" The twins said excitedly.

"Yeah I'll go ask mum if we can do that!" Ron said as he ran out of the room. Hermione sighed,

"Now I'm going to be the only single one here"

"No percy is too" harry said as George pulled him into his lap.

"Date him" fred said before laughing. Hermione rolled her eyes. She looked up at them awkwardly

"Actuallyimgay" she mumbled

"Sorry?" Harry asked not getting what she had said

"I'm gay" she said a little louder. Harry smiled

"I know" he said simply. The twin on the other hand never seen this coming but were happy for her

"How'd you know?" She asked

"Oh just the way you look at girls" harry said shrugging. Hermione smiled. Ron came running back in

"We can do that!" He said happily.

"Yay!" The twins said and started kissing harry on his neck

"Ew" ron said jokingly. The twins smiled.

"Also draco knows about you three, so dont worry about that"

"You told him?!" Hermione yelled

"I said he could!" Harry said quickly. Hermione sighed in relief

"Wait you did, did you kitten?" George asked harry turning harry around so he was facing him. Harry nodded his head, going a little red at the name

"But did we say he could?" Fred asked. Harry's eyes went wide, he didn't think the twins would care

"I- I ah..." harry mumbled awkwardly. Ron stood there awkwardly thinking of something to say

"No we didn't. I think we should punish him Freddie?" George asked. Fred smirked and nodded his head. Harry looked at them nervously. George stood up, picking up harry and walking out of the room with Harry's legs wrapped around his waist. They went outside to where it was raining and sat harry down on the grass, but George climbed on top of him, straddling him. Fred went behind harry and wrapped his legs around Harry and George and started to kiss the back of Harry's neck roughly. Harry gasped and tried to move away but George crashed his lips into Harry's and started to roughly kiss him. Fred started to mark Harry's neck with hickeys making harry groan into George's mouth and making his body go slightly weak.

"Hey!" Molly yelled from the house making George and fred jump away from harry.

"Get inside and make out instead! Schools starting soon we dont need you three being sick!" She yelled at the blushing boys. They all walked back inside awkwardly, the hole house would know what they were doing because molly had yelled it so loudly. Hermione smirked at them as they walked into the living room.

"Go put dry clothes on!" Molly said to the three. The quickly ran upstairs and got dressed. When they got back down stairs molly told harry to move his things into the twins room because they didnt know what time draco was getting there the next day, and then to come back down for lunch. The twins helped harry carry all his unpacked belongings into their room. They threw everything onto George's unused bed.

"Yay! Our little kitten finally moved in with us!" George said wrapping his arms around harry and kissing his forehead. Harry laughed and dragged his boyfriend out of the room, he was starving. Everyone was in their own private conversations through out all of lunch. Ron and harry were talking about quidditch, again.

"Imagine if gryffindor wins again this year!"

"We will, we have harry! We havent lost since harry came to Hogwarts!" Fred said.

"Hopefully" harry mumbled.

After lunch George, fred and ron all started having turns at playing wizards chess. Harry and hermione sat on the other side of the room talking,

"Are you okay harry?"

"Yeah I guess" harry mumbled hermione sighed

"Harry, tell me"

"I have only been with the twins for a month and I... I am already kinda falling in love with them"

"Is that your way of telling me you already are in love with them?"


"When you feel the times right you should tell them"

"But I dont want to creep them out.... I mean they are already in love with one  another, they dont tell eachother that they do when I'm around but I hear them say it all the time when they dont think I'm there" harry mumbled pulling his knees up to rest his chin on them. Hermione sighed and placed her hand on Harry's shoulder

"Dont let that make you feel bed harry, tell them when you're ready"

"I think I'll let them say it first" harry mumbled

"That's okay, but as long as you let them know soon" hermione said taking her hand back and going back to reading her book. Harry looked over to the twins, fred was already looking over at him. Fred smiled and waved harry over, harry got up and walked over to him. Fred pulled harry into his lap and kissed him.

"Our oh so amazing boyfriend is winning every game, so let's distract him" fred said smirking. Harry blushed and placed his lips on Fred's. Fred smirked and started kissing harry more roughly so their lips were making loud noises. Harry started kissing Fred's neck roughly, it was now Harry's turn to mark him. Fred moaned as harry bit down on his skin

"Oh will you two stop!" George yelled. But harry and fred pretended to ignore him, harry kissing Fred's jawline roughly. Fred started to forget his surroundings as harry started to kiss his lips again. Fred grabbed Harry's waist roughly and pulled him closer, sliding his tounge into Harry's mouth making harry moan. It was the first time the twins had heard him moan, fred got a wave of excitement rush through him. George threw a pillow at them but once again, the two ignored him. Fred kissed Harry's chest, making sure to leave his share of hickeys. Harry groaned as fred bit down roughly. Harry felt something poking into his leg, and fred into his stomach. They looked down and blushed at the tents that were in their pants. Although they were out of breath they started laughing quietly.

"Are you two done?" George asked angrily sitting next to them, hermione walked over to play against ron

"Did you win?" Harry asked out of breath

"No!" George said angrily

"Why is there a pillow there?" George asked glaring at the pillow that the boys hand placed over their erections. Harry went red as fred lifted the pillow for only a second then quickly put it back. George started laughing

"Hold up, were you two trying to distract me and now you have them?"George asked laughing. Harry and fred went red looked at eachother awkwardly

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