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"Hurry up Ron!" Harry yelled as he ran across the field, they raced after the owl draco sent to see who could run after it for longer.

"Harry slow down!"

"No hurry up!"

Harry continued to run into the owl was so far away harry could no longer spot it. He looked behind him to see ron laying on his back in a starfish. Harry laughed and jogged over to him.

"H- how do you r- run for s- so l- long?" Ron asked. Harry laughed

"I k- kinda have t- to wh- when I l- live with th- them m- muggles" harry replied out of breath. Ron nodded his head and closed his eyes

"I th- th ink I'm d- dying ha- harry" he mumbled

"No y- you're not! You're j- just really l- lazy"

"Piss off"

They both laughed but groaned as laughing pulled on their stomach muscles. Soon they started walking back, harry wasnt in pain anymore but Ron was constantly complaining.

"Ron you're not gonna die!" Harry said laughing as he opend the door.

"Harry!" Fred yelled running up to him and picking him up, placing small kisses all over his face. Harry laughed as he wrapped his legs around Fred's waist and tried to pull his face away from the kisses. Ron dramatically fell onto the couch

"Harry please get ready to plan my funeral tomorrow" he said closing his eyes. Harry laughed and wrapped his arms around Fred's neck and rested his chin on Fred's shoulder so he could see his friend easier

"You're not gonna die Ron! We didn't actually run that far"

"But I ran to fast"

"Not really"

"Just because you can run fast doesn't mean I didn't run fast"

"Ron! Stop" harry said laughing. Ron just groaned in reply. Fred started to kiss Harry's neck making harry laugh and try to pull away from him.

"Ah what a lovely sight to see when you wake up from a nap!" George said walking over to his two boyfriends and kissing them both on the cheek.

"You sleep to much" harry mumbled resting his head on Fred's shoulder and watching as George poured himself a cup of tea

"You do too!"

"Not as much as you"

"You both sleep to much!" Fred said smirking. Harry laughed and rolled his eyes

"No you just dont sleep enough" he mumbled

"Oh wow no do not turn this on me!"

"Too late" harry and George said smiling at him. Fred rolled his eyes and sat down still holding harry

"There you two are- are you okay Ron?" Hermione said as she walked into the room

"Harry's killed me" he mumbled.

"Its not my fault!" Harry said angrily

"What happened? I thought you were only sending the owl away" she said sitting down next to fred and harry.

"We were then he said we should run after it to see how far we get" ron mumbled. Harry rolled his eyes and looked down to where fred had grabbed Harry's hand and was playing with his fingers.

"I think its your fault for running with him" hermione mumbled looking at ron nervously

"Its not! Its Harry's!" Ron yelled

"No its not!" Harry yelled back




"Shut it!" Hermione yelled over them.

"Let's just forget about it! Draco should write back tonight so think about that instead Ronald, harry I need you to do my makeup again" she said now looking at the green eyed boy in Fred's lap. Harry sighed

"Why? Are you going somewhere?"

"No but now that mom and dad are letting me have my phone at Hogwarts I wanna get pictures everywhere to show my muggle friends back home"

"Fine, fine" harry said quietly nodding his head. Fred smiled lovingly at him

"What?" Harry laughed when he looked back at fred

"Oh nothing, you're just really cute" fred mumbled shyly

"Wait is fred being shy?" Ron asked sitting up and looking at him shocked

"Or maybe I am really dying!" He said jumping back into character and laying back down. Harry rolled his eyes at his friend before looking back at fred who was still staring at him.

"Can I kiss you?" Fred whispered bringing one hand up and hold the side of Harry's face. Harry went a deep red and nodded his head. Fred smiled and pulled Harry's head closer slowly letting their lips touch. Soon the kiss got a little heated and their tongues were fighting in eachothers mouths, Harry's hands were in Fred's hair.

"Eww get a room!" A high pitch voice said. They pulled away and looked over to see Ginny.

"How about you get out of this room?" Harry said angrily. Hermione laughed but tried to hide it. Ginny rolled her eyes

"Why are you even with the twins? You clearly need a girl in your life and I'm more then happy to be that girl"

"I dont want a girl Ginny! You dont know what I want or need so why are you even trying?" Harry said even more angrily. Fred and George were smirking at their boyfriend in pride

"You're making a big mistake harry! I'll make sure you realize how much of a mistake you have made! I mean you are dating the twins! They make jokes and play games all the time! How do you know you're just not gonna be one of their little jokes? They dont want you harry they have one another! You'll see once they get sick of their little brown haired boy toy they'll drop you! You'll become nothing to them! And you'll have to live the rest of your life knowing I was right! That you should be with me and not them. So you can leave now before they break your heart or you can wait, get your heart broken and realize the hole time I was right!" Ginny said smirking at the sad look on Harry's face and the angry look on Fred and George's.

"Ginny that's enough!" Fred said getting up, sitting harry gently back down on the couch and walking angrily up to his sister. Harry knew he should get up and stop fred from doing whatever he was going to do but he couldn't move. His body was frozen and his mouth wasnt about to move anytime soon. George soon seen what was about to happen and put his cup down and started jogging to the other side of the room to stop him but it was to late. Fred lifted his fist at this little sister and punched her straight in the nose. She gasped and grabbed her nose what was already bleeding.

"Never talk to harry like that again you hear me?!" Fred said in a very dangerous voice. Ginny didnt say anything and just looked up at her brother in shock, never once would she imagine fred doing anything like that.

"Did you hear me?" He asked again angrily. By now George had reached his twins and grabbed his arm pulling him away from their sister. George grabbed Fred's hand and looked at it, it starting to bruise from how hard he had punched his sister. He then looked over and Ginny and looked closely at her nose.

"You definitely broke her nose" he mumbled looking back at his lover. Fred looked behind George and over at harry who was looking at him shocked. He walked over to Harry, pulling George with him and picked up harry

"Let's go to our room" fred mumbled to his two boyfriends. George nodded and followed them upstairs

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