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"Oh come on!" Harry said to ron who was hiding under his blankets, still angry that harry had let a spider into the house just to make ron scared.

"Go away"


"You're bloody annoying!"

"Thank you"

Ron sat up and looked at harry angrily, harry smiled and got up

"Come on, wizards chess?" Harry asked walking over to the cupboard to get the game. Ron smiled and got up.

"I hate you" ron mumbled taking the box from harry, harry smiled and followed ron out of the room. Nobody was in the living room to the boys surprise. They sat in front of the dying fire and set up the game.

Ron won. Again. And again. Harry sighed as they started their 4th game

"How are you winning every game?"

"Because you cant play"

"Oh shut it!"

Half way through the game George came running down stairs and picked harry up

"Sorry but we need him for something!" George said to Ron

"Put me down!" Harry said trying to wiggle out of George's grip but it was no use, the redhead was way to strong. Once they were in the twins room George dropped harry one the bed and fred sat down beside him and cuddled into him.

"What's going on?" Harry asked wrapping one arm around fred.

"Is it so wrong to want to spend time with our boyfriend?" George asked. Harry shook his head, blushing like crazy.

"Aww look Freddie hes shy!" George said pushing his way in between the two boys and cuddling against them.

"Ginny please what are you making?" Hermione asked in the next room. Ginny was smirking and starting to add the finale ingredients to her potion, hermione couldn't for the life of her find out what it was she was making

"You'll see" ginny mumbled. Herman rolled her eyes and watched the other girl carefully. Ginny was planning something nobody would imagine such a young girl even dreaming of. She was making a love potion, and she was going to use it on harry, to make harry fall in love with her. Or the twins, to make them stop loving harry and only one another. Molly soon got home and called Ginny to help with dinner, to ginnys luck she had just completed the potion and she could use it tonight. She quickly pored some into a small tube and then ran down stairs. She was the first down so she quickly tipped the potions into Harry's drink when her mum wasnt looking.

George and fred were both smirking at harry who had fallen asleep rather easily. All they had to do was play with his hair and he slowly went into a deep sleep. Hermione came into the room angrily and slammed the door shut making the twins look at her angrily.

"Harry's asleep!" George whispered angrily

"Not anymore" harry mumbled rubbing his eyes and looking over at hermione who was walking over to the bed

"Ginnys making some kind of potion, I dont know what but do not take anything she gives you!"

"What's she going to do? Turn one of us into a actual woman?" Fred asked

"Harry would have to do your make up all the time! You would be a rather ugly woman" George said

"You're twins" harry mumbled trying not to smile at his boyfriend. Hermione rolled her eyes

"I'm serious! Shes more likely to use something on Harry, like the two of you say shes obsessed!" Hermione said angrily

"Yeah, yeah, I wont take whatever she hands me" harry mumbled the twins sighed

"I never knew she would take things so far" George said, now very serious at the fact that his boyfriend would be in danger. Hermione sighed and nodded her head.

"Dinner!" Molly called. Hermione gave a hopeful smile at the three and walked out of the room

"Shes starting a war isn't she, ginny?" Harry mumbled looking at his two boyfriends. The twins sighed and nodded their heads

"I guess she is" they said. They both quickly kissed harry on the lips before the three of them walked out of the room. They sat down where they always sat, harry gladly taking a massive scoop of mashed potatoes onto his plate. Ginny was looking down at her plate nervously, Hermione, harry and the twins noticed this. Once everyone was sat down they started to eat.

"Where did you go today mum?" Ron asked trying to make conversation

"To get you all something formal to wear, it's on your list of school supplies" she said, happy that someone cared to ask about her today. But the table soon fell silent.

"How are you feeling harry?"ginny asked suddenly after harry had finshed eating his dinner.

"Back of" fred said angrily. Ginny simply rolled her eyes and got up leaving for her room. Although soon there was scream and she came running back down

"You didnt drink all your water did you?!" She asked harry worriedly

"Ah, I did, why?" Harry asked. Ginnys face went pail and she looked down at the ground

"Nothing, nothing" she mumbled before running back up stairs. Everyone looked at her confused but shrugged it off and started having a go at wizards chess. Soon harry felt very odd, his stomach hurt and it felt as if something or someone was pulling two handfuls of hair and skin from the top of his head, his back and hands hurt and felt rather hot. Fred noticed this and he and George were soon walking harry up the stairs. They laid his down on his bed, and to his surprise he said he just wanted to be left alone. He soon feel asleep, the pain taking over him and his breathing weak

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