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"Harry!" Fred called. His voice was now weak and sore but he couldn't care less. He needed to find harry!

"Kitten!" George screamed from not to far away

"We are sorry! We didn't mean it! Come back!" Fred said as more tears ran down his face. The words hes gone continued to ran through both boys minds.

"I'm going to tell Mcgonagall and Dumbledore!" Hermione called to them. They walked over to her and followed her up the headmaster's office.

Soon they were standing in front to the two teachers who they had just told all the information to. They stared all the way back when harry had first told hermione he fancied the twins.

"And hes nowhere?" Dumbledore asked. The three shook their heads

"We'll tell all the other Professors and maybe get Hagrid to ask if Magorian and his friends have seen him in the forest!" Mcgonagall said.

"Oh and boys!" She said before she walked out the door

"Next time you get blackmailed like this. Come to me or Dumbledore straight away!"


Harry said with his new pet niffler completely unaware of the search party that was being formed for him.

"You're not like most nifflers" harry said suddenly.

"I have gold in my bag and yet you haven't looked for it" he said calmly. He sat up and grabbed a gold piece and sat it in front of hope.

"Take it" he said. Hope hesitantly moved her left paw to take it. Harry smiled. Maybe with a little training harry would be able to control what hope stole.

"Why are you all the way out here then?" Harry asked hope. Hope looked up at him and then back to the gold that she was playing with

"Right, you cant talk" harry mumbled to himself.

Soon night fell again.

Hagrid had told the centaurs to look for harry for the dark forest wouldnt be a stupid place to hide. The news about Harry and the twins relationship soon got around the school and to the twins surprise nobody really cared. Soon the hole school knew the story with what happened with ginny and Cedric and were all avoiding the two.

"Harry! Kitten please!" Fred called out into the cold wind. George placed a hand on his back

"Come on love, let's get some sleep and look for him tomorrow" George said

"Why didnt you say it?" Fred yelled at George

"Say what?"

"That you love him! I know you do so why didnt you say it?!"

"I was scared okay!" George yelled back

"I didnt want to seem like we were moving to fast.... I cant lose him"

"Yet here we are"fred mumbled

"Let's get some sleep, we will look for him tomorrow" George said grabbing Fred's hand.

Harry was now starting to get rather hungry. He hadn't eaten in three days. He started to regret giving away his cookie to hope. He was cold, his tail warmth couldn't warm him. His hole body was shaking in the cold. Hope was in the pocket hoping for the slightest warmth.

Harry sighed, the cold was starting to become to much. He to cold and numb to reach for his bag to get his wand. He soon felt his body shutting down. His breath slowly becoming weaker and weaker. He didnt notice the foot steps coming towards him, he almost didnt hear the loud shout that filled the woods

"I found him!!!"

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