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"Harry this isn't going to work!" Ron complained as harry was thinking of what to write in the letter

"Oh shut it Ron I'm thinking!" He said sitting down on his bed

"Maybe say what's going on in your life and then say your answer, you are saying yes right?"

"Yeah I'm saying yes! But could you write it harry?"

"No! He will know it's not your handwriting! I'll tell you what to say if you really dont know" harry said getting out a piece of parchment.

"Here" harry said placing a quill into the shaking boys hand. Ron nodded his head and wrote 'dear draco' before looking back up at harry for help harry laughed.

"Now say what's been going on!"

"Like my sister being a git?" He asked. Harry laughed and nodded his head


"Hello harry!" The twins said walking in and sitting next to him.

"Hey" harry said back before looking back at Ron's parchment.

"Harry how do I word it?" Ron complained looking at his bestfriend for help. Harry sighed and shook his head

"That's it I'm getting 'Mione" he mumbled walking out of the room. He soon came back with hermione. He sat back in between the twins and sighed as hermione started helping Ron.

"Aww his harry stressed?" Fred asked grabbing harry and pulling him into his lap.

"No" harry mumbled slightly embarrassed, they hadn't told anyone about their relationship yet.

"Aww no Freddie I think hes a little mad" George said smirking

"No I'm not!" Harry said a little louder. Hermione and Ron were now watching the three.

"But you are!" Fred said as he started to play with Harry's hair.

"No im-" he got cut off when George grabbed his chin and smashed his lips into Harry's. When he pulled away harry was dark red, hermione and Ron were smirking and fred was smiling brightly at his two boyfriends.

"Hello" ginny said walking in the room

"Again you really know when to walk in when nobody wants you around!" Ron said rolling his eyes and going back to writing. Ginny rolled her eyes and sat down on her brothers bed

"Why are you hugging harry?" She asked fred. Harry, who was still dark red, went to yell at Ginny that it was none of her business, but soon closed his mouth when fred started playing with his hair again

"What? Am I not allowed to cuddle my boyfriend?" He asked her, she laughed and rolled her eyes

"George is your boyfriend" she said simply

"And harry" the twins said

"Eww so you three are together?" She asked looking at them in complete disgust. Even though it was only Ginny and ginnys opinion didnt matter to much harry felt nervous at the look she was giving him. He cuddled into fred more hiding his face in fred neck. Fred smiled at his boyfriends as George started yelling at ginny,

"Hey! You can not go around judging people for being themselves! You like harry? Cool. We like him too and he likes us back so stop being a stuck up git and grow up! You're not a 7 year old Ginny Weasley!"

Ron and hermione smirked at the scared look on ginnys face. Harry was also scared if he was being honest, nobody had seen George quite so mad, except maybe fred.

"What are you gonna do Gin? Go and tell mommy and daddy that your twin brothers are now in a relationship of three? Go for it! Go on, go on! Saves us three the trouble!" He continued, his hands now in fists and his face red with anger. Ginny jumped up and ran out of the room before George got to mad. He kept staring at the door angrily until he felt two arms wrap around his neck and someone pull them selfs onto his lap. He looked down to see harry. Harry's head was on his chest as he clung onto his boyfriend.

"Sorry" George mumbled laying down beside fred, pulling harry with him

"For what?" Harry asked looking up at him

"Yelling like that" he mumbled

"Are you joking!-" harry yelled as he sat up, straddling George and smiling widely "-that was amazing! I have never seen you that mad before! She was so scared you were gonna punch her or something! I bet she wont dare mess to much with you after that!"

George laughed at the over excited look on Harry's face as he was talking.

"Did I scare you?" He asked him grabbing one of his hands, fred was already holding George's other one.

"You scared the daylights out of me!" Ron said. Everyone else in the room laughed

"Only a little" harry said shrugging

"But you were not mad at me so it wasn't to bad" he said laying down on George again. Soon George and harry fell asleep. Fred laughed and got up letting go of George's hand and walking over to Ron and hermione to see how the letter was going.

"How do they just fall asleep like that?" Hermione mumbled looking at the two boys

"They done that this morning on our date too, it's okay though, it was early, mainly for George" fred said laughing

"No harry too" Ron said signing off his letter.

"See ron, writing that wasn't that hard"

"Yes it was! Anyway I'll get harry to read it when he wakes up" Ron mumbled. Molly walked into the room and smiled when she seen the two boys cuddled into one another sleeping. She walked over to fred and pulled him into a bone crushing hug.

"I'm so sorry about your sisters behavior!" She said kissing his cheek when she pulled away.

"But you promise me something on you and behalf of George!" She said, her voice now more stern

"You promise me you will not go and break Harry's heart!" She said angrily.

"Mum I would never!" Fred said looking over to harry.

"Good! That young man has gone through so much and doesn't need heartbreak added on!" She said before giving him one last hug and apologizing once more for his sisters behavior and then leaving the room.

"Well that was eventful" George whispered making Ron jump and nearly drop his ink

"How long were you awake?" Fred asked walking back over to the bed

"when you promised not to hurt harry is the time I woke" George said closing his eyes again. Fred laughing and played with his twins hair.

"I have a feeling Ginny is going to go all out to ruin your relationship" hermiones said sitting at the end of the bed.

"She will, but we'll fight back, and protect harry" said the twins

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