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Harry woke up to find himself in the twins room, but nobody else was there. He smiled to himself knowing that the twins carried him in here. He got up and looked in a mirror at the other side of the twins room. He hadn't actually taken a good look at them, one he knew they were there he didnt want to know anything else, but if he was to be stuck with them forever he may as well get used to the colour of them. His tail and ears were black, he looked closer and seen that he had cat eyes, the dark human circle of his pupil was now a line.

"I'm a bloody animal" he mumbled to himself sitting in the ground and running a hand through his hair, he yelled in pain as his fingers hit his ears rather harshly. He heard the sound of foot steps running up the stairs and the twins burst through the door

"You're awake!" They yelled running at him and wrapping their arms around him. He smiled and the contact and wrapped his arms around them.

"Are you okay?" Fred mumbled once they had pulled away. Harry shrugged and looked down at his feet. Fred sighed.

"We asked if there was any possibility that they could be taken away but Dumbledore and Severus said there was no way" George said sadly.

"Could I cut them off?" Harry asked

"We asked that... Severus said it was no use and they would grow back" fred mumbled.

"Great" harry mumbled and sat down on Fred's bed angrily. The twins stood in front of him not known what to do.

"I cant believe I'm a bloody cat!" Harry yelled after a minute of complete silence. He grabbed his tail and looked at it angrily

"Well... we maybe could find out how cat like you are?" Fred mumbled

"You know since your... gonna be like this for a long time" George said awkwardly

Harry sighed and let go of his tail and nodded his head. Fred walked over to him and started playing with his cat ears, patting them and gently running his fingers around where they connected to Harry's head. Harry - to all of their surprise - started purring and pushing his head into Fred's hand. Once he realized what was going on he jumped up and looked angrily at fred

"Aww you purr!" The twins said.

"Shut up" harry mumbled. The twins smiled

"Would u eat raw fish?" George asked.

"We should get catnip!" Fred said

"Get catnip and I'm never talking to you again!" Harry mumbled. The twins laughed

"I'll go get fish!" George said running out of the room

"No!" Harry yelled after him but he was alright gone. Harry sighed and looked over to fred who was smiling happily at him

"Can I call you kitten?" He asked. Harry looked at him angrily but he honestly didnt mind the name, but he would never tell fred that

"whatever" he mumbled instead. Fred smiled wider

"What about kitty?" He asked, again harry didnt mind. He just nodded his head acting like he didnt care. Fred knew he was lying

"You like the names dont you?" He asked. Harry looked away from him and nodded his head again. Fred smiled and pulled harry down into his lap.

"Your ears are actually so cute!" He said patting his ears again. Harry started purring but this time he didnt stop himself, he didnt mind purring, but he only would do it in front of the twins! George came in and smiled at his boyfriends and the sound of Harry's purring

"Here, all I could find was these cut up salmon and this can of tuna" he said sitting down in front of harry and fred on the bed. Harry looked at the fish and rolled his eyes.

"I'm not eating that" harry mumbled

"Oh come on!" George said grabbing a piece of salmon and telling harry to open his mouth. Harry sighed and let George feed him the fish. Harry expected to hate it, like he always has. But his eyes went wide at how amazing it tasted. George and fred laughed, George feed harry another piece

"Also I made him some nicknames! Kitty and kitten" fred told his twin. George smiled and kissed Harry's forehead before feeding him more salmon.

"Are you two feeding him raw fish?" Hermione asked walking into the room. She took the bag of salmon from George but harry jumped up and grabbed it back. Hermione smirked

"You two need cat names for him" she said

"They have already" harry said before taking two pieces of salmon into his mouth and sitting next to fred. Hermione laughed

"Let's hear them!"

"Kitty and kitten"

"Aww that's so cute!"

"Shut up" harry mumbled. Everyone laughed at him.

"He purrs when you pat his ears too!" George said, harry kicked him angrily.

"Come on Georgie give our little kitten a break!" Fred said pulling harry into his lap again.

"Here try to tuna!" George said giving him the can of tuna and a small fork.

"I hate tuna! You all know that you seen me throw it up last year! And it was in a sandwich not by its self!" Harry complained

"You hated salmon only two days ago as well and look at you now!" Hermione said sitting next to George. Harry rolled his eyes and opend the can, the smell was amazing! Harry took the fork and stabbed it into a large chunk of fish and then placed it in his mouth. The other three watched him excitedly to see what was going to happen

"This is better then the salmon!" He almost yelled making everyone laugh.

"Now we know what your new favorite food is" fred said smirking. Harry soon had eaten the hole can and was trying hard to not eat the rest of the salmon

"Now when you two kiss him you'll get fish breath" hermione said giggling. Harry rolled his eyes and cuddled more into fred. Fred winked at hermione as he started playing with Harry's ears. Harry jumped off him angrily

"No! No! No! Not when shes here!" Harry said angrily. Fred sighed and jokingly rolled his eyes. Harry sat back down in Fred's lap, fred was warm and it felt like it would be only to easy for harry to fall asleep right here

"Professor snape is coming back tomorrow, he thinks harry can actually turn into a cat" hermione said harry looked up at her with wide eyes

"Wait your eyes harry! Did you two notice?" She asked the twins. George grabbed Harry's face and looked into his eyes. He smiled and kissed Harry's lips

"Your eyes are adorable" he told harry. Harry blushed but soon fred grabbed his face and looked into his eyes. He smiled and wrapped his arms around harry

"Hes so cute!" He said, mostly to George

"I know! Cute little kitty cat!" George said quickly patting Harry's ears.

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