Chapter Nineteen

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Jaycey's POV

I sat quietly in Becca's truck waiting for her to hop in so we could go to the hospital. I felt anxious because when I called the hospital they didn't share much information about Belle, I didn't want to be scared but I was. What if she was gone?

Becca got inside the truck and started driving, she respected my quietness and didn't say much herself, I think she saw how devastated I was when I saw the papers talking about Belle. The drive wasn't long, when Becca pulled up at the hospital's parking lot my hands became all sweaty and my heart thudded.

"It's okay," Becca tried to calm me down, "Just don' forget to breathe okay."

I nodded my head. We both stepped out of the truck and made our way to the hospital doors. What made me nervous was not knowing what I was about to know, what happened to Belle. We walked inside the hospital and I felt nauseous from the smell of medicine and whatever else that smells in hospitals. Becca held my hand and I gave her an appreciation look. We headed to the front desk where two women were busy with files and visitors.

"Hi," I addressed one of them. She looked up and smiled at me.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

"I'm here for someone, the woman who was put in the papers."

"Okay, I'll have to ask you a few questions before I let you see her, its just to verify that you do know her."

My heart thudded even more. What if I got asked questions I didn't have answers to?

"Okay, what's her full name?"

"Isabelle Anderson."

"How old is she?"

Did that even matter?


"Name one thing that's hidden in her body but you can see it upon close inspection."

"Is that even necessary?" Becca asked clearly not so impressed by the questions I was being bombarded with.

"She has a tattoo of a small kite behind her ear, it's so small that you'll never think it's even there," I replied seeing that the woman had no intention of replying Becca.

"Who are you to her?" the woman continued.

"Oh fuck it, I'm tired of this," Becca huffed, "She's her fuckin' girlfrien', now can we go see her before she freakin' dies."

The woman stared at us before letting out an 'okay' and giving us the number of the room Belle was admitted in. She told us the doctor would follow shortly and Becca and I headed to the room.

"I'll wait outside," Becca said halting at the door. I looked at her and she smiled, her jade eyes easing my shaking breath and my jaded heart.

"I don't think I can do this Becca."

"You already at the door, she's okay. If she wasn' that woman would have never allowed us to come here," Becca assured. I took a deep breath.

"Go Jaycey, you won' regret it."

I mumbled an 'okay' and turned to open the door and meet the woman who had my heart at the palm of her hands. Seeing her broke my already broken heart. She was lying on the hospital bed. Still, pale and sad. The total opposite of the Belle I had grown to know. I stood at the door staring at her, afraid to step nearer because I didn't think I was ready to see her upclose but I was pushed by the door being opened and the doctor walked in.

"Hello," the doctor spoke, he held a clipboard in his hands and his facial expression was so hard to read.

"Hi," my voice surprised me by suddenly sounding strained.

"She's a fighter this one," he smiled.

"What happened?"

"She was involved in a car crash, suffered so many injuries and her brain is damaged. It's a miracle that she's still alive because when she was found she was almost dead and she'd lost a lot of blood."

A tear escaped from my eye.

"Her heart is stable now but she's in a coma, she still hasn't woken up for three days and we can't tell when it is that she will. But if she does wake up, it's likely she won't remember much because of her brain damage and her nerves don't seem to be promising either. She's going to have a problem with feeling certain emotions...but that's if she does wake up," the doctor finished.

I just stood there, letting every word he said sink in my head. The only thing that woke me out of my trance was the shutting of the door. I realised that the doctor had stepped out of the room. I went closer to Belle's bed and sat on it besides her. The only thing that indicated that she was alive was the beeping of the machines that were connected to her almost lifeless body.

"What happened?" I found myself asking her, my voice cracked because of the tears that were already flooding my eyes. I was crying for her, she couldn't die, I still wanted her to live.

I placed my hand on her cold, pale face, "You can't leave me like this Belle. I don't care how much you hurt me, I still love you. I'm scared, I'm scared of being alone. I'm scared that I'll never see your charming smile ever again, your beautiful brown eyes. I tried to kill myself Belle, I didn't think there was anything to live for but I was stupid. There's so much to live for, you have so much to live for."

I wiped my eyes, sniffling and pulled myself down to her. I slowly placed my trembling lips on her steady still ones and kissed her.

"I miss kissing you," I whispered pulling away, "How do you think I feel when I kiss you and you don't kiss me back. You can't die, I need you, Samantha needs you. You have to fix your mess. If you run away from it, it won't be worth it. I know you can hear me, I forgive you. I don't hate you, I was just shocked but I know deep down you didn't mean the words you said, you can't not love me, it's not possible..."

"Hey," a voice interrupted. I turned my head to face the door and I saw Becca getting inside, "I'm sorry to interrupt but, they told me to tell ya' that the nurses wanna check up on her for the day, we have to leave."

"Give me a minute," I murmured so low that I didn't even hear myself but Becca heard because she said okay and walked out, closing the door behind her.

"I have to go," I told Belle, "...but I'll be back. I have to go home too and talk to my dad. There's so much I want to talk to you about, I have so many questions that I want to ask you. I'm lost Belle, I want you to come and find me. I love you, I love you so much."

I kissed her forehead and let go of her hand. I didn't want to leave. What if I did and the next time I came they'd say she's gone. How did I even love her after what she'd done to me? I loved her, I loved Isabelle Anderson and I couldn't un-love her. I wanted to but seeing her like this made me hate myself for even thinking of letting my feelings for her go away. She was inlove with someone else and I was inlove with her but it didn't matter. I was scared of being lonely, without her to hold me and I still needed answers so she had to live. It was a must.

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