Chapter 1

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"Natalie! Natalie Robinson!" Mrs Farley clicked her fingers in my face.
I instantly woke up from my thoughts. I need to stop doing this, I always doze off in English. Stupid me. I was thinking about going home to my lovely bed, and stuff my face with pizza or something.

"Yes yes I'm awake." I said, one eye open one eye shut.

"Good now because you fell asleep you have to take these papers to the main office" She seemed satisfied with her punishment.

"Yes Mrs." I said, quietly sighed, and left the room.

I hate walking. I honestly do. That's why I could tell she was happy with her punishment. I dragged my feet along the carpet like a 5 year old until I reached the office and handed the papers in. I'd rather do this than stay in that stupid lesson anyway. I'm even starting to sound like a 5 year old now! Oh well maybe I am mentally 5. Urgh, well I'd better get back to lesson and learn stuff that I will probably forget in a week anyway. I slowly made my way to my seat and sat down. I looked at the clock and a smile appeared on my face, we only had 10 minutes left.

'Okay Natalie keep yourself together for 10 minutes then you can go home, you can do it!'

'You do realise your talking to yourself right?'

'Yes I know I am!'

'Your an idiot, who talks to them self?'

'Your talking to me know aren't you? And don't call me an idiot because we're the same person!'

"Class pack up your stuff and you may leave." Mrs Farley announced.

Finally, a school day ended and I get to walk home with my best friends. Ah, I love them bunch. They are the only exception i make for walking, and I mean the only! I didn't realise that I've been talking to myself for so long that I was actually already with them. When we was walking someone tapped me on my left shoulder and I turned round only to see that nobody was there. Then I tired to my right only to find Mason sniggering. I playfully hit him and he let out a squeaked. I laughed. After 15 minutes of walking everyone turned their separate ways. Me and Alfie were the only two that were going the same way, as we have known each other for life and we happen to be next door neighbours. This was my favourite part of walking home, when it was just us.

"So...English, how was your fantasy world?" He chuckled.
"I do not have a fantasy world! I just zoned out a bit!" I protested.
"Tell me, what did the unicorns and butterflies look like?" He teased me.

I could barely even reach his head, Im so small. He was like 5'9 or 6ft and Im only 5'3 ft. Yes, yes I am that small. I requested a piggy back because he teased me so much, so before he could answer I jumped on his back anyway. He caught me and we almost fell, but then we gained balance.

"Go faster!" I said, if anyone saw us they wouldn't believe that I was 16.
"I can't!" He shouted, nobody would think he was 17 either.
"Run! FOR NARNIA!" I screamed.

He ran and I felt my leg slip which made us loose balance. Unfortunately, we were on a hill so that caused us to roll down the hill until we reached the bottom. Alfie landed next to me. We looked at each other, and my blue eyes met his beautiful brown eyes and we laughed until tears formed in our eyes.

"Oh Alfie Young, what am I going to do with you? No seriously because you need to get better at piggy backs!" I laughed and tears came out my eyes.
"I tried okay! I'd like to see you try!" He challenged.
"Is that a request?" I asked, raising one eye brow.
"No no we all remember what happened lady time you gave me a piggy back don't we Natalie?" He smiled, and rubbed his cheek.
"You landed on on your face and got a bruise on you che-" I couldn't finish my sentence because I was laughing to hard.
"It's not funny, the bruise was there for a week!" He crossed his arms and rolled to face the other side.
"Fine fine I'm sorry!" I lied. I tried to keep my laughter in.

We both got up and continued walking home. It turned out I was home alone so I called up Alfie and asked him to join me because I get scared when I'm home alone. He was round literally 1 minutes after I called. Ah, he's a good best friend. He pulled out his hands from behind his back. In one hand he had The Hunger Games which was one of my favourite movies and in the other hand, he had two hot chocolate sachets. A smile ran across my face and I ran up to him and hugged him, I was on my tippy toes.

We both ran upstairs and grabbed all the pillows and blankets we could and ran to the living room. We then jumped on the sofa with all the pillows and put the blanket over us. I truly felt like a little kid again. We switched the movie on and had our hot chocolates. I sipped my hot chocolate and it burned my lip, I pulled away and squeezed a cushion to hold in some pain. I tried not to get noticed.

"You have hot chocolate on your lip." Alfie said, pointing at me.
"Where?" I purposely put my hand in the wrong place so he would help me.
"Here let me get it." He leaned over and used his thumb to wipe the chocolate from my lips. It was so hard not smile.

As he was leaning back to his original position I fell off the sofa, pulling him down with me. This was use an excuse so that I could smile. I put my small hands over my eyes because I thought that he was going to fall on me. He tumbled on to of me but he caught himself with both of his hands either side of my face. I peeped one eye out of my hands and sighed in relief. His eyes caught mine and not one moment of this was awkward. We just laughed and got back up onto the sofa. I never realised but the film ended an hour ago and my mum was going to be home any minute so we worked as fast as we could to get all the pillows and blankets back in place. Just as we ran back downstairs and jumped on the sofa my mum casually strolled in.

"What have you guys been doing?" She pointed out our sweat.
"We were playing umm the wii." I lied.
"Well I better be going to do homework, bye Natalie, bye Michelle." He said, while walking to my front door.
"Bye Alfie!" My mum shouted.

I love spending days with him honestly, I can be as childish as I want. We will still act like little kids. I could look like a complete pig and he wouldn't care, that's how much of best friends we are. He could be ill and I wouldn't care, or vice versa. Everyday spent with him is a day well spent. But I can never tell him that, I know he probably won't like me back anyway. I jumped into my pjs and ran up to bed. I just laid there and stared at the ceiling waiting to drift of to sleep. Then I felt my eyes shut.

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