Chapter 9

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I woke up, my nose still touching Alfie's, you know what I really want to see? His reaction, so il close my eyes and wait until he wakes up. I must've woke up extremely early or something because I've been 'asleep' for almost an hour. My eyes were the tiniest bit open to see his reaction.

"Get up sleepy head!" Alfie shouted in my ear.
"I thought you was asleep?" I asked, wait I didn't see his reaction, I must've fell asleep.
"I was but I woke up a while ago and decided to wake you up" he responded.
"What time is it?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.
"8:30. I thought maybe we can walk around the place before everyone wakes up?" He phrased it like a question.
"But I don't want to walk" I pleaded and yawned.
"Il give you a piggy back on the way back!" I couldn't turn down a piggy back.
"Fine il go!" I sat up and stretched my arms.

I put my wellies on, (I snuck them in my suitcase when Megan wasn't looking) i didn't want my feet to get wet. It rained like hell last night. All of the glass was gleaming with little raindrops on each tip. In the distance, the grass was sparkling. My nose filled up with the smell of fresh air. All of the tents were shiny with all the water that fell last night I wonder how the others coped with that. They all probably just stayed asleep. I quickly got my phone out my pocket and texted Megan "Omg <3" I won't say what I'm saying that about yet just incase Ellie will read it. It's not that I don't trust her it's just that Megan is helping me big time.

"So about last night..." He said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"Ermmm yeah..." He's going to mention all the hugging oh God he must've been awake throughout last night.
"If you ever get scared you know you can come to me right?" He reassured me.
"Yeah thank you " I sighed.
"Anothe-r thing..." He hesitated.
"Tell me." I said with a comforting smile.
"We got pretty close last night we even woke up touching noses, we were that close!" He chuckled.
"Yeah haha" I nervously laughed.
"So the thing I'm trying to sa-" He slipped into the mud.
"Oh my god are you oka-" As I was helping him up i also fell.
"Not mud noooo" I said, looking at my now brown boots.
"We should get back and go shower" He suggested.
"Ermm yeah good idea!" I agreed.

We sprinted back to the camp. He was going into the shower first so I would have to wait. Mud is everywhere. The idiot forgot to bring his close into the shower so I quickly rushed into the shower room to give him his close. My eyes we fixed on him. Just as I walked in he was taking his top off. My mouth made the shape of an 'O'.

"Hey ermm Alfie you left you cl-clothes outside." I stuttered.
"Oh thanks" he turned around, topless, and took the clothes pile.
"Now quit ogling at me!" He winked.
"I was not ogling or anything at you!" I lied.

I walked out the shower room, still muddy, when I saw Megan. Megan! I need to tell her everything. How cute he was and how he cared for me in the night. Before I knew it Megan was already standing infront of me, eyes wide.

"What in the world happened to you?" Megan asked, pointing at the mud.
"Me and Alfie w-" She interrupted.
"Oh yeah Alfie! So how'd it go?!" She jumped up and squealed.
"Well it was just perfect! Because I hate thunder and lightning, and I really don't like the dark, he was there comforting me. But, by comforting me I mean hugging me so I felt better. And and and in the middle of the night it thundered and I got really scared and he gave me his ear phones but he had one in his ear and I had one in my eye and we listen to Ed Sheeran thinking out loud. Our noses were touching as I was falling to sleep but he was sleeping when the song started so I didn't think he knew that we were that close but then we were talking about it a minute ago." I squealed, holding her hands and jumping up and down.
"NALFIE! But wait a second, why are you so muddy?" Megan questioned.
"We went for a little walk before you guys woke up because Alfie got bored and we both slipped then Alfie's in the shower now." I stated.

As I was saying that Alfie walked out of the shower. So, before he could say he heard anything, which I doubt he did, I ran into the shower room. Feels good to get all of the mud off of me. I slipped into my clothes. I wrapped my hair in a towel and walked into the tent to dry my hair. Today, we would get another activity, we've already done a scavenger hunt so today it will probably be a sport of some sort. My hair was finally dry and I walked out the tent. Everyone was still in their jammies, I guess that gives me more time to rest. Alfie did the same thing, more rest for him too.

As everyone was taking turns in the shower me and Alfie just played games. Silly games we made up when we were like nine. At one point we even did leap frog... Leap frog in a tent! Anyway, we were just childish like that. Oh my God I haven't checked my phone in ages, I'd better check it now. Quickly, I sent my mum a text saying I was okay and everything was fun and I was safe because I'm with Alfie. Then I went onto my camera and took a few silly selfies with Alfie. We done a pout, tongue, and smile selfie. I put my phone down and covered myself up in the blanket. First time in life that a human had became a caterpillar. I rolled around the floor and Alfie joined me. BASH. Oh crap, I just rolled on top of Alfie and back to the other side and I heard a BASH. I peeped my head out of my blanket and it turns out Alfie banged his head in the tent pole. He sat up and held his head I could tell he was actually in pain this time.

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