Chapter 21

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I woke up in my bed today and for some reason I feel really happy. Just spending my night with Alfie made me happy.

Anyway, today is the day. The day we scare the shizzle out of our friends, and, who knows it may actually work. I have a high hope for this working. I hopped down the stairs with a spring in each step. Carefully, I climbed onto the surface because I can't reach the cereal, I grabbed the corn flakes and poured myself a bowl. Then I got the milk and poured it all over my cereal.

I sat down at the table and began to ate. Only then, did I realise my mum left a note on the fridge.

I have gone shopping for some snacks for you and your friends tonight, oh and by the way, me and Alfie's mum are going to a friends party so you will be home alone. We will talk when I get back.

I smiled at the note. My mum is so thoughtful, getting us snacks, I should really thank her more. The others will arrive at 4pm so we can go to a pancake house for dinner at 5 then we will all come back. Alfie should arrive a little earlier though, we need to prepare for the scare. I can rhyme. I laughed inside my head.

Today, I got up extra early, well it was early for me. The time I got up was 9:30 am but for once, I wasn't actually that tired.

I sat in silence and ate my cereal, listening to the clock tick. Tick. Tock.

After about 20 minutes of slow eating I finally finished my cereal. I fished my phone out from my pocket and began to flick through all facebook posts. I went down my whole profile from beginning to end, and found pictures of me when I was 11. God, I never knew how to take pictures. I decided to flick through Alfie's which lead me to Alfie's mum. No, I'm not a stalker. On Alfie's mums profile, I saw pictures of me and Alfie when I was 5 and he was 6. We were playing in a sandpit and I had a red bucket and spade, he had a green bucket and spade. I smiled at the picture. Shiz, my thumb slipped! It liked the photo! Unlike! Unlike! Phew i unliked it... Hopefully she won't notice that.

I was scrolling down her facebook and all of my friends for nearly 2 hours now, the clock just got to 11am. I should get ready...

I jogged upstairs and into my room. Hmm. What's the best thing to wear to a pancake house. I mean, it's kind of fancy but not classy. I opened my closet and I was stuck between choosing a black dress that hugs my curves perfectly, it's knee length with little black heels,I do have small feet. Or, a white dress which flows nicely down to my knees and white flats. Il get ready soon. I can't be bothered.

There was a knock at the door. Wait I'm not ready yet!

"Who is it I'm not ready yet!" I shouted, I was in my pjs still.
"It's Alfie and im coming in anyway!" He said as he opened the door.
"I'm not ready..." I said slowly, looking at the milk drip on my tshirt.
"I see that. Well, how far are you with getting ready?" He asked. I thought about it.
"Well, I need to bath and wash my hair, I've picked two outfits but I don't know which one to choose." I listed.
"Well I guess il keep you company." He smirked. Oo, as much as I'd love that, I'd be naked.
"Alfie...I'd be naked..." I said, as we walked up the stairs.
"And?" He smirked again. I fell silent.
"I was kidding just bath then il join you when you wash your hair, obviously you will have your pjs on then or something?" He chuckled.
"Okayyyyyyy, il have a shower instead then il get my pjs on. Then you can help me wash my hair over the bath tub.
"Okay." He said as he made his way to my bed and sat down.

I walked into the bathroom, and turned on the hot tap. The water came out of the nozzle and I stripped. I stepped into the shower, right foot first. I washed my body with a raspberry and strawberry soap. It's my favourite one. Surprisingly, for a lazy person like me, I managed to shower in 10 minutes. After that I got into my pjs and shouted for Alfie that he can come in now. Soon after Alfie was in the room with me. I pulled out the band from my hair, and I turned into a lion. Not literally.

"Ooo, it's a lion!" Alfie imitated an 8 year old girl.
"I won't be for long!" I said as I ran my hair under the shower nozzle.
"Close your eyes okay?" Alfie grabbed the shampoo and conditioner 2 in one raspberry.
"Yup" I replied covering my eyes as he put it over my hair. I rubbed it in. And he rinsed it out.
"Okay now we gots to dry your hair" We went to my bedroom and plugged in the hairdryer.
"Well I can do that" I held the hair dryer over my hair.

We made funny faces at each other the whole five minutes I was drying my hair. Even when he does that he is still so cute! I don't get it.

My hair was finally dry. Okay now to brush it, I stood infront of my tall mirror, well it was taller than me anyway. I brushed my hair, going slow when I got to knots. I guess my hair was pretty straight. I put the brush on the end table of my bed and then I picked up my mascara I applied a normal amount this time and i a slight bit of eyeliner to define my lashes. In all honesty I now looked normal, well nicer than usual.

I picked up the white dress and the black dress that I decided earlier and I held them up against me in the mirror. Urgh, I'm so terrible at making decisions. I turned to Alfie, maybe he could decide I mean whichever one he choses won't matter anyway because I like them both.

"Alfieeeeeeee." I said in a sing song tone.
"Natalieeeee." He replied.
"Which one looks better I can't decide." I sighed and looked at these beautiful dresses.
"You'd look beautiful in both." His gaze caught mine.
"Thanks." I blushed a little.
"Um how about the black one I have a cute necklace which will go with this." I walked to my jewellery drawer and got out a beautiful elegant necklace. It was a black diamond in the middle with a thin silver chain.
"Yeah... Yeah" Alfie smiled and my gaze fixed onto his again.

I ran to the bathroom. Jesus Christ, back and fourth back and fourth. I quickly got out of my pjs and into the beautiful dress. Then I quickly, but carefully put the heels on and took one last look at myself in the mirror. I was happy with my appearance.

I went back into my room and I saw Alfie sitting on my bed looking down and twiddling his thumbs. He looked sad or something it just want right. I made a noise with my heel to discreetly let him know that I'm in the room. He looked up and a smile tiptoed across his face. At that reaction I smiled.

"You might want me to do that." He said, I looked at him, confused.
"Huh?" I asked, confused as always.
"Turn around." He smiled at me and I melted.

Turns out I forgot to zip the back part up. I felt his warm hand against my neck and his breath on my skin. It made me shiver. How on earth does he make me feel like this? I handed him the necklace and asked him if he would do the honours. I held my hair to the side so he can do up the little catch. His hands slowly wrapped me into a hug, where he was behind me. I looked up at him and smiled, he also smiled. This moment literally felt like a dream. I tiptoed up and kissed him cheek, he was quite a bit taller than me.

"Love oo Alfie" I said like a little kid.
"Love oo too Natawee" The name, that's the name he called me when we were kids!

I smiled at him then laughed he did the same.

"It's like almost 2 pm shall we jump to yours and get you ready?" I asked.
"Why not?" He chucked as he jumped to his window.
"Wait.." I whispered, I don't know why I whispered.
"What?" He sounded confused.
"I'm wearing a dress and stuff how will I jump?" I asked. Just as I said that he ran away.

Where did that boy go? Did he just leave like that, rude. I'm kidding I love him really. He returned 5 minutes after with his clothes on hangers and his shoes and he brought them over one by one.

"If we can't goto mine, I shall get ready here" He smiled a warm smile.

He walked out and towards the bathroom but he came back shortly after.

"Your mums in there so I guess il have to get changed here" He shrugged then smirked.
"Okay il g-" I got cut off.
"No no it's fine you can continue to get ready if you want." He replied, i only had to neaten up my hair.
"Okay." I grabbed my brush and sat infront of my mirror and started to brush.

I saw in the background of my mirror, Alfie take his shirt off. I dropped my brush then quickly picked it back up again. I was done brushing my hair but he wasn't done unbuttoning the shirt he needed to wear, which by the way, was a black polo. I turned around and walked to my bed to sit down and act like I wasn't staring, which I wasn't. Pfft just joking, of course I was. He's irresistible.

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