Chapter 5

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A sudden stop woke me up, wait why did we stop. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. We were making a breakfast stop at McDonalds. I needed my food, i haven't eaten in ages. All of us went into McDonalds to order our breakfast.

"What are you having fatty?" Freddie asked from my right.
"Just because were at McDonalds doesn't mean I'm fat, if thats the case then you're fat too. Fatty!" I stuck my tongue out like a seven year old and we both laughed.
"Lets just be fat together!" He offered a high five.
"Fatties re-unite!" I shouted as i jumped for his high five.
"Hello what would you like to order?" The woman at the counter asked.
"Bacon McMuffin" said Freddie.
"Bacon McMuffin with hash browns please" said Mason.
"Egg and bacon McMuffin" said Alfie.
"Ermm can i have a toasted McMuffin and a hash brown." I requested.
"Just hash browns please." Ellie asked.
"Only a toasted McMuffin please" Megan said.

Then the teachers ordered and we all shared the out the bill. It wasn't that much so i really didn't mind. We all sat in a booth except the driver and the teacher, they sat on a 2 person table. In a booth it went: Me Mason Ellie Freddie Alfie Megan. There was no speaking during this. All of us were to into our food to even speak to each other. I finished first, not that it surprised anyone.

"Woman you eat to fast!" Freddie shouted.
"My name is Natalie, not woman! Your name is woman remember?" I laughed.
"Oh yeah i forgot my own name. Silly me!" He said with great sarcasm.
"So Woman, you almost done?" I asked.
"Meh, il probably be two minutes. Im still sleeping in the van, I'm tired as hell and eating just makes me more sleepy." He responded.
"You're boring stay awake!" I said, while kicking him under the table.
"Im not staying awake no way!" He replied while kicking me back.

We returned to the van. We still have 2 and a half hours to go until we get to the camp site thingy ma jiggy. My eyes were all droopy, I hardly slept before the breakfast stop so i was planning on sleeping this time. I climbed into the van but before i knew it i almost fell out then i felt hand push me back in, i turned round and it was Alfie. If he wasn't there i felt like i was going to crack my head or something. Now that would have hurt so badly. I flashed him a smile and sighed in relief. The van engine started and we were off. Hmm, how can i entertain myself for 2 and half hours. I lifted my phone from my pocked and it seemed that i had 1 message. It was from Alfie again... Jesus Christ, why can he just speak? I guess its okay though because I'm bored too.

Alfie: 'Hey :)'
Me: 'I'm guessing that you're bored?'
Alfie: 'Erm yeah bored...'
Me: 'How long have we got left?'
Alfie: 'About 2hrs 15mins'
Me: 'Nooooooo'
Alfie: 'You can sleep on me again if you want? :)'
Me: ':)'

I switched my phones screen off, and put my phone back into my pocket. Alfie's body was my source of warmth. He was also very comfortable to lean on, if i do say so myself. I just wish i had the guts to hug him, i don't know why I'm so nervous. I've had my eyes shut for 20 minutes. Wait a second... I am nervous but what if i didn't know i was nervous. I think he thinks that I'm asleep. Natalie you're so smart.

'Smart pfft'
'Oh i thought you went away'
'You do re-'
'Yes I realise we are the same person now bye'

I moved around, just like people do when they are asleep. My eyes were firmly shut. Then, i extended my arm and put it around his stomach, bearing in mind the blanket is over us. A hand touched my and stayed there. Shivering, was what i was doing. Slightly opening my eye, i checked to see if he was awake. Nope, he was asleep. Still cute, even when he is sleeping. I wrapped my fingers around his thumb and attempted to go to sleep. I felt my eyes drooping. I have a feeling we have 1 hour and a half left, enough time for some precious sleep.

I felt a finger poking me in the head. I opened one eye just to find everyone poking me.

"Oh my gosh we have been trying to wake you up for like 5 minutes! Wake up lazy ass!" Megan shouted in my ear.
"I don't want to walk!" I moaned.
"Well sleeping beauty you're going to have to!" Freddie grumbled.
"I don't wanna urghhh" i mumbled, as i slowly sat up.
"Come on it took us so long to get here and you're not going to get up?" Ellie asked.
"Fine fine I'm coming!" I groaned.

I helped Alfie put away the blanket and pillows into his bag. I then got out my brush, and quickly redone my hair into a messy bun. After, i neatened up my jammies so i looked half normal again. As i put my brush back into my bag, i checked myself in my mini mirror. Mascara was what i needed right now, but not too much, i want to look a little natural. I applied it and then packed all my stuff away. Being the person I am, I re checked many time to check I had everything. Surely if i forgot anything, i think id be lost without it.

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