upcoming memories

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~*no pov*~

As Richie and his mother sat in a booth in the corner of the diner richie began drumming his fingers on the table as his mother read over the menu.

"Richie, cut that out!" Richies mother nagged at him to stop. He was to distracted with his thoughts to listen to her.

"Richard!" His mom loudly spoke trying to only get the attention of Richie.

"Hm?" Richie asked, snapping out of his thoughts and focusing his mother.

"Quit that tapping," richies mother demanded before bringing the menu back over her face.

Richie nodded taking in his mothers demands. He couldn't sit still. Nothing new about that, Richies never been able to sit still even if his life depended on it.

Due to His growing need to do something he began moving his leg up and down at a rapid pace. He glared at his mom to see if it was bothering her, she didn't seem to notice so richie smiled to himself in success.

"Hi, my name is cherry and I'll be your waitress for today! What'll it be for the drinks?" The waitress asked standing in front of the booth.

"I'll be having the lemon water, and richie here will be taking..." Richies mother froze before looking at him questioningly "tea?" Ms. Tozier looked at her soon who then nodded "yes! The tea" she finally stated.

"Ah, yes," the waitress said before writing the order down on her notepad and walking off.

"What's on your mind?" Richies mother asked a little concerned

Richie brought his focus off the waitress walking away onto his mother.

"Hm? Oh, nothing. Just... The memories, y'know?"

"Of coarse," richies mother replied before giving him a little nod

Before richie could be dragged back into his own thoughts the bell of the diners door rang catching his attention.

A group of small boys walked in, all of em rambling to each other. None of them seemed to catch richies attention until his eyes became stuck on one of the smaller ones.

Eddie kasprak.

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