awakward tension

32 3 1

~*no pov*~

"Richie!" Stan yelled making his way down the hallway

Richie was hidden by laying down next to a bed opposite of the door. Richie heard as the others began searching rooms. He prayed nobody would come into this room but soon enough richie heard footsteps enter the room.

The small footsteps made their way towards where richie was hiding. Richie put his legs out straight in attempt to try and blend in.

Richie closed his eyes as the footsteps came closer. His eyes forced open by strong pressure hitting him.

"Fuck!" Eddie squealed as he pushed himself up by his arms. Eddies arms placed on each side of Richie.

Rich had no idea what to do in this moment except to stay still. He looked up at the smaller boy now towering over him, staying completely still the pain of eddie falling onto him suddenly making itself known. Richie clenched his teeth to keep him from verbally expressing his pain.

Eddie looked straight down realizing what or in this case who he just fell onto. His eyes quickly widened as he realized the position they were in, he quickly attempted to push himself up without having to push down on Richie. He failed.

Richie squeezed his eyes shut before wrapping one of his arms around Eddie and using the other one to grip onto the bedframe to the left of him.

Eddies face flushed red when he felt Richies arm wrap around him and grip the other side of his waist. Soon Richie pulled them both up using the bed frame. As soon as they were on their feet he quickly pulled his arm off Eddie and looked down nervously.

"Ya found me eds!" Richie announced

"Don't call me that," eddie replied to Richie annoyed

"Awh, you love it!" Richie stated brushing himself off.

"Oh god Rich, you're bleeding," eddie changed the subject.


"Your mouth, you're bleeding!" Eddie said with wide eyes.

richie brought his hand up to his mouth smearing blood across his fingers and face. "Heh, looks like you hit me pretty hard, eds."

The small boy didn't bother arguing about being called "eds" instead he rushed towards the taller boy, pulling his hand away from his mouth.

"Oh my God! do you know how many diseases you could've just given yourself? Have you ever heard of necrotizing fasciitis?" Eddie rambled digging through his fanny-pack.

"Awh eds, here to kiss my boo boo?" Richie jokingly asked.

"Ew never! You probably have aids or something!"

"You ever kiss your mom?"

"I mean, yeah- I have before, she's my mom,"

"Then you can't get aids twice." Richie stated before wiping the blood off his face again.

"Stop!" Eddie yelled, roughly yanking richies arm down.

Eddie examined Richies face before motioning richie to sit on the bed. Rich sighed before listening and sitting on the edge of the bed.

Eddie burrowed his eyebrows as he brought his hand to Richies jaw tilting his head up. Eddie looked down at the medical cream he was holding before looking back up at Richie.

He brushed his thumb against richies lips before using his other fingers to grip onto richies jaw, forcing his mouth open. He placed his thumb on the inside of richies lip, pushing it slightly deeper into richies mouth.

Eddie had a cotton swab with the anti-bacterial cream in his other hand. He brought it closer to richies mouth before lightly covering part of the wound. Richie closed his mouth slightly due to the sudden pain from the cream.

Eddie used his other hand that had its thumb placed halfway in to richies mouth to push down on his teeth, causing richies mouth to open wider.

Eddie finished covering richies wound with his medical cream. He pulled both his hands away from richie and dousing them in hand sanitizer.

Richie had a disgusted look on his face due to the medical cream tasting horrible.

Eddie looked up at richies expression, realizing why he was making that face. "Don't!" He quickly got out "do not! Lick your cut, or I'll have to reapply the cream," he threatened Richie

Richie just sighed.

"Ooo, you found him!" Bev ran into the room. "Got any ideas on what we can do today?"

Richie wasn't paying attention, instead he was thinking about the events that had just passed. Eddies fingers.. Were literally in his mouth... He couldn't stop thinking about how it felt...

"Richiiieee," beverly snapped next to richies ear dragging him out of his thoughts.


"What're you planning on doing today?" Bev asked

"Oh uh," Richie adjusted his glasses. "Eddie's mom." He stated and smirked staring at the smaller boy.

"you.... Are..... NOT! DOING MY MOTHER!" Eddie angrily screamed towards the boy.

Beverly couldn't help but laugh at the little ball of fury.

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