a slick escape

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~*no pov*~

"Hey, hun- why were you out so long?" richies mother asked as her son got settled in the seat across from her.

"Huh? Oh uh- just ran into someone," Richie replied with.

"What's up with you kiddo- you've been so... Not Richie?" Richies mom stammered out concerned

"Ehh, just uh- adjusting," richie added before giving a forced smile. Richies mom just stared at him before the tension was broken by a voice.

"Hi guys! Me again, d'ya know watcha want?" The waitress asked the two.

Richies mom looked up and immediately turned her expression into a kind smile. "Oh yes, darling," she answered cherry before turning to her son.

"Um- just uh..." Richie paused.

"We'll both be taking the lunch special," richies mother stated nodding at her son before looking up at the waitress who was now writing on her notepad.

Cherry gave his mom a small smile and a nod before walking back to the kitchen. Richies mom smiled at herself before drawing her attention to her son chewing on his fingernails.

"Stop that!" Richies mother exclaimed, smacking her sons hand away from his face. Richie let out a sigh before bouncing his leg up and down again to ease his constant urge to do something.

The waitress was soon at their booth with their orders. Nothing special about this meal, the boy and his mother ate in almost complete silence- the occasional small talk.

Soon enough they were finished and richies mom went up to the front to pay. Richie stayed towards the exit/entrance waiting for his mother, he had forgotten about Eddie.

Eddie was looking around thinking about his answer to the question he was just asked. Spending the summer at camp or in Derry? His thoughts were cut off by him locking focus on a familiar set of curls.

He studied the hair his mind set focus on before the boy he was now staring down turned around facing the front desk. It couldn't be.

Authors not: photo taken by yours truly at ww1 abandoned grounds

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