the start of a new chapter

31 2 1

~*no pov*~

The sun started setting, the golden ring lingering above the hill. Richie wandered off, sitting behind a tree watching as the ball of light started turning into darkness.

He stayed there, taking in the fresh air, the view, the feeling. The beginning to an amazing summer had just begun, he could feel it.

Richie sat there staring into the sunset before he heard a scruffy sound of someone sliding down the tree next to him. Silence fell upon richie and the person who made their way to him.

He was still unaware of who it was, he didn't turn to check as his eyes were glued to the beauty of the sunset ahead of him. He was finally made aware of who it was by a raspy huff let out by none other then bird boy.

They stayed there silently watching the scene ahead of them before stan made a bold decision and laid his head on Rich's shoulder. Richie didn't pay any mind to it as he was distracted by a warm feeling. Nothing could ruin this moment.

"Loserrrssss, I know you're here. I saw your biiiikkkess," a deep voice taunted in the distance.

Richie turned his head the opposite of stans direction staring straight into nothing, focusing on the distant voice.

"Come out and play," the voice taunted again seeming closer.

By now Stan was balled up next to Richie, trying to better hide himself from the mysterious voice inching closer to them.

Richie wasn't nervous. He doesn't know why, he just wasn't scared. Stan was heard silently sobbing into himself, hiding his face with his arms the same way richie did after he fell off his bike.

"Staniel, it'll be okay," Richie assured Stan before grabbing around his upper chest leaning Stan up against him.

Stan lowered his knees revealing his red, sobbing face before hiding himself again in richies chest. He latched onto the taller boys button up that was thrown over a now very stained white T-shirt.

Stanley calmed down as he felt richies normal-paced heartbeat vibrate through his body. Richie pulled in stans waist causing Stan to now be sitting on the boys lap. It was more comfortable for Richie.

The threatening voice hadn't been heard for about 20 minutes before stan finally unlatched his grip from richies shirt and moved his head off the boys chest. He avoided eye contact with richie trying to avoid the fact he just acted like a total baby.

"You alright, Stan the man?" A strained voice asked Stan.

"Huh- uh, yeah," stan got out, sliding himself off richies lap still avoiding eye contact.

"Do you think they left?" Richie asked softly before staring into the now dark sky.

"Eddie definitely did. His mother would kill him if he was still out this late." Stan replied with rubbing his sore eyes.

Richie just nodded before letting out a sigh. Eddie. Richie couldn't stop thinking about that small boy even though he just shared a connective moment with another. Richie was oblivious to his actions, thinking nothing of any the moments he shared with Eddie or Stanley. All friends do those type of things.


_____________Time Skip______________

~*no pov*~

?// hello?

B// ah yes, is this the Uris residence?

?// speaking?

B// my name is Beverly Marsh, I'm looking for a Stanley.

A silence fell upon bev as she waited for a response.

S// hello?

B// oo- Stan! You made it home!

S// uh-huh?

B// it's just.... me, bill, nor eddie saw you or Richie leave. I don't have richs number so I thought I'd at least check on you!

S// ah yeah. Just problems with bowers. Rich made it home.

B// oh my god. Are you guys alright?

The line stayed silent for a moment.

S// does eddie like richie?

B// of coarse he does! We all do!

S// no, Beverly.

The line was once again silent.

S// does Eddie... Like... Him?

B// ohhh, OH.

A short silence fell between the line

B// I mean, I tease at this a lot but... I don't think they're yknow... Ga-

S// yeah...

B// why?

S// hm?

B// why do you ask?

S// I dunno, they've just been acting weird or something like that.

B// or something like that? Stan.. Is there something you want to tell me?

S// huh?

B// nothing, get some sleep, uris.

S// night, bev.

B// night, Stan.

The call ended.

Authors note: if you're genuinely reading this series please let me know in the comments.

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