new plans

34 1 0

~*no pov*~

The light bleeding through the thin curtains hits Richie's face waking him up almost immediately.

"Aahhh, fuck!" Richie screeched as he sat up and began rubbing his eyes.

Blinded by the light richie couldn't see. He felt pressure quickly knock him back down to laying... A pillow.

"Richard Tozier, watch your mouth!" A voice nagged from across the room.

Richie just sat back up feeling the side table for his glasses.

"What're ya feeling for breakfast?" His mother went back to her normal soft voice.

"You're staying for breakfast?" Richie asked shoving his glasses on his face and getting out of bed.

"Yeah, I've got a little time to spare," richies mom responded in a tune moving along with it.

Richie just rolled his eyes before switching t-shirts and throwing a unbuttoned button-up with cacti all over it on. He began making his bed before his mom came over towards him.

"Here," she stated sliding a small wad of money on the now set sheets.

"What's this?" Richie asked giving a side eye to his mother.

"Eh, go out- have fun" she winked at him before going across the hall to change.


"I'm heading out, mommy" eddie softly spoke to his mother sitting in the living room.

"Where are you off to, eddie-bear?" His mother questioned in a manipulative voice.

"Just out with bill and Stan," eddie assured his mother.

"Don't mess up that new baby blue sweater you've got on," MS.K responded with in a dramatic tone before shooing her son off.

"Love you, mommy" Eddie got out before shutting the door.

He ran off his porch, quickly hopping on his bike and pedalling as fast as he could to bills.

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