successful excuse

38 2 0

~*no pov*~

Everything felt like a fever dream. Old memories. Nostalgia.

Richie stayed outside as memories came flowing in. He looked across the diner to see derrys' library, Ben used to always go there in his free time.

Near the library was a path down to the sewers, oh god- it.. The clown... I- "Richie?" A familiar voice could be heard behind Richie. "Rich, is that you?" Richie turned to look behind him. Speaking of- Ben.

Richie didn't respond, just stared blankly at the boy walking towards him. "Oh my God, richie! It's been a minute" Ben reached richie with a big smile opening his arms for a hug.

richie, now standing hugged ben back by instinct. The two boys now hugging stayed there for a few more seconds before Richie pulled away.

"Dude you got so tall!" Ben practically screamed.

"Huh?" Richie questioned

"You're like six foot-" ben guessed before being cut off by richie.

"Five eight," Richie paused. "I'm five- I'm five eight" Richie stammered out.

"Still, dude" ben replied with in awe

Richie just stared at Ben. The two stayed quiet for a moment, before richie broke the silence"

"I-I'm a- Imma go uh" richie stuttered pointing at the entrance of the diner. "Finish- uh, lunch.. With my um, my mum," Richie finally stated. Ben just nodded before continuing his walk to the library.

Richie stared blankly at the boy walking away as he processed the interaction they just had. He nods to himself before pulling his hood back over his face and heading back inside.

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