mixed signals

28 1 0

~*no pov*~

The losers found themselves riding silently down the street on their bikes, each persons head filled with their own thoughts.

Beverly's head filled With the anonymous love poems and letters she's been receiving a lot recently.

Bills head filled with places he wants to take beverly in the future.

Eddies head filled With the fact richies back, everything he wants to tell him. The places he wants to show him.

Stanley's head filled with the moments he shared with Richie earlier.

But surprisingly richies head was empty. No thoughts. Just feeling the wind hit his face, his hair flowing behind him. The now setting sun. Everything was so... Perfect.

"w-where sh-should we g-go?" Bill asked breaking the silence.

"The forest!" Eddie insisted.

Eddie wanted to go there because there's a spot in the left center of the forest he discovered a few months ago... He wanted to show Richie.

"th-the f-forest it i-is!" Bill shouted before turning, leading the rest of the group to turn too.

They rode on a bridge known as the kissing bridge, people went there to carve sweet nothings into the wood. All the losers looked across the carvings, richie looking at one specific one.

5 years ago before Richie left Derry he visited the kissing bridge to carve... His feelings. His last feelings.

Richies eyes locked on the "R+E" carved into the center of the left wooden plank. This caused richie to loose sense of direction, he realized a little to late.

Soon enough all richie could remember was opening his eyes to the losers standing around him. He hated the attention. His instincts brought him to sit up and try to hide himself away from all the eyes.

Richie sat with his knees up tucking his head down, his arms folded over his knees. He sat there for awhile attempting to go invisible. He felt a hand lay across his arm, this sudden contact caused him to jump and back up further.

"Rich, bub.. It's alright" a female voice could be heard.

Richie peaked his head over his arms, revealing a small redhead giving him a comforting smile. Rich lowered his knees before sighing and returning the smile. Beverly stood up offering her hand to Richie, he grabbed it using the support to pull himself up.

"Heh.." Richie got out brushing himself off.

A squeal could be heard before eddie came rushing over. Beverly looked at the small boy rushing over with a confused expression.

"Did you hurt yourself?" Eddie quickly asked before grabbing richies hands looking at them and down his arms then dropping them. He looked richie up and down a few times before moving closer when he noticed a wound.

Richie looked down at the boy, showing the same expression bev had. He had no idea what the smaller boy was looking at until he felt a sharp pain when eddie placed pressure close to the wound.

"You guys, don't wait up," eddie stated before motioning them away.

The rest of the losers began getting back on their bikes, richie went to follow them but was quickly stopped by a boy stepping in front of him. Richie looked down before going to step around Eddie, eddie shook his head as he pressed his hands against Richies chest causing him to start stepping backwards slowly.

"Sit," eddie simply demanded.

Richie stared at the boy blankly and confused.

"Sit." Eddie now a little angry demanded.

Richie did as he was told and sat on the paved dirt below him. Eddie kneeled down, looking closer at his new wound. Richie seems to get hurt a lot.

"Shirt.." Eddie froze, continuing to examine Richie. "Off.." He finished.

Richie began sliding his unbuttoned button-up off and setting it aside him, leaving him in his plain white T.

He looked around before locking focus on eddie. "C'mon," eddie demanded.


"Your shirt," eddie froze again, looking up and locking eyes with Richie. "Take it off," eddie insisted.

"I..." Richie began. He began to zone out and without realizing he started chewing on his fingernails.

"Are you doing this to fuck with me?" Eddie asked annoyed.

"Huh?" Richie asked snapping back into reality.

Eddie just sighed and shook his head as he grabbed richies hand away from his mouth.

"Rich... your shirt... I need it off," eddie spoke softly

Richie just nodded as he hesitantly reached for the bottom of his shirt. He quickly pulled his stained white T over his head before hissing in pain.

Eddie examined the boys upper body, it surely matured since they swam in the quarry years before. He quickly found himself looking at the brim of the injured boys boxers. Richie felt eyes on his lower stomach causing him to curl up.

"Mm-mm," eddie shook his head. "Knees down," eddie softly demanded.

Richie felt a certain way, a fuzzy feeling growing in his lower stomach. The way eddie softly demanded to explore more of his body made Richie... Happy.

He did as he was told and lowered his knees. Eddie made his focus just below richies collarbone. A newly open gash was made when richie fell off his bike. Eddie shook his head at the sight of this.

Eddie pulled out some sort of wipes, he brought it up to richies open wound and patted around the tender area causing richie to grind his teeth to hide his pain.

Eddie took the wipe away, pulling out gel and putting it on a cotton ball, he placed the cotton ball hesitantly on the tender area causing richie to release a breathy huff. He clenched his teeth to prohibit any future sounds of pain to escape his body.

Eddie soon finished cleaning richie up, placing a bandaid over his now cleansed wound.

"What, c'mon man," Richie complained.

Eddie just shushed him before placing a kiss next to his wound just to mimic his wishes from earlier ("what eds, here to kiss my boo boo?") Not thinking it'd mean anything. Richie let out a small whine at the sudden soft pressure on a sensitive area.

His eyes immediately widened at the realization of what he just let out. I just.. He just...I

Eddie did take notice to his small whine, but also took notice of how flustered and nervous the taller boy was getting. Eddie pretended he didn't realize and just got up and brushed himself off.

Richie clumsily got up losing balance from standing up to fast and falling back down. He quickly got up again to save himself from the embarrassment. He threw his white t back on and slid on his button-up shirt.

They found themselves riding down to the forest to catch up with their other friends.

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