start to a different summer

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~*no pov*~

A knock was heard at the Denbrough residence. "Coming!" A faint yell could be heard from the inside of the house.

Eddie waited impatiently, tapping his foot and whistling.

"Ello," could be heard as the door swung open. "Oh Eddie, hey" bill stated giving him a smile.

"Hey," eddie huffed out giving bill an awkward smile.

"So, what's up?" Bill asked looking at the clearly nervous boy.

"I wanna talk to him-" eddie immediately responded with

"Him?" Bill question

"Richie!" Eddie practically yelled. "I wanna talk to Richie."

"The find Him" bill stated looking at the boy as if he had three heads.

"I dont wanna do it alone..." Eddie softly responded with.

"Hm," bill paused "alright, come in." He stated motioning eddie inside.


~*stans pov*~

The fuck is this? Oh it's wool.. I'm looking for leather.

"Excuse me, is there any leather covers.." Hm.. What size? "Like 7 by 8?"

"Mhm" the old bookkeeper muttered gesturing to the back corner.

Hell yes! A variety! Blue... Fuck no. Red... Nope. Classic Brown?... Hm, kinda bland....

Ooooo a bird stitched one... Hell yeah!

~*no pov*~

Richie found himself walking down the sidewalk of the town he spent the beginning of his childhood at. He wasn't looking around or anything, he was just watching his feet as he walked at a steady pace.

"Aye watch it!" A deep raspy voice yelled as Richie accidentally ran into a slightly shorter boy

Richie tilted his head up slightly, avoiding looking at what he assumed to be a pissed boy. "I-I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going, I-" he quickly started rambling before he was cut of by the boy in front of him.

"Richie?" The boy that was yelling before suddenly turned his voice extremely soft.

Richie looked back down, backing up and staying silent. He didn't know who it was but didn't want to find out.

Richies mind was running with thoughts but all seemed to be cut off when he felt a hand slide itself under his jaw, tilting his head up.

Richie squeezed his eyes shut before he felt the boys hand slide its thumb across his cheek.

"Rich?" The boy questioned causing him to slowly open his eyes to reveal stanly. He gave a weak smile.

Stan moved his hand off richies jaw moving both his hands around richs shoulders bringing him into a hug.

richies heart was pounding as he slowly and hesitantly placed his arms on stans waist gipping harder then he thought.

Stan could feel richies heart racing against his chest causing him to lay his head on the taller ones shoulders.
He could feel richies grip on his waist tightening, it didnt hurt much so he let it be. He missed him.

They stayed there for quite a long time, both enjoying physical contact especially Richie.. Stan noticed how much he bleed into physical contact.

Stan pulled away never letting his hand disconnect from Richie, just moving it down to his arm.

With out explaining anything he drags Richie down the sidewalk onto a nearby neighborhood. Richie stumbling over his own feet, trying to keep up with Stan. He silently just went with it.

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