unrecognizable feelings

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~*no pov*~

Richies heart was pounding out of his chest, he kept his eyes locked on the ground as he felt eyes on him. He heard a familiar voice stutter his name out, it took a moment but he gained the confidence to tilt his head up.

Locking eyes with the short brunette boy in front of him he breathlessly got out, "hey... Spaghetti head...".

Eddie stood there in shock for a few moments before slightly pushing Stan out of the way to get closer to the tall raven haired boy. He stood looking up at him before bringing his hand up. He hesitantly brushed his fingers across richies flushed cheeks trying to prove to himself richie was actually there.

Eddie was lost in his thoughts but was quickly taken out of them when he felt a hand take grip around his wrist.
Richie pulled eddies hand away from his face and jokingly stated, "Hey eds, that's kinda gay"

"I am not gay!! You're gay!!" The small boy yelled back at richie, yanking his hand out of the taller boys grip.

"If I was gay I wouldn't be fucking your mom," Richie replied with calmly before giving the small brunette a smirk.

"You are not fucking my mom!" Eddie screamed before turning around, stomping back into bills house.

Beverly burst out into laughter before jokingly punching richie in his shoulder. "I see you're still... you" Beverly chuckled out. Stan just rolled his eyes before following bill into his house.

Bev nudged richie causing him to look down at his side to the small ginger. She stood there waving a cigarette towards Richie. He quickly took it, pulling a lighter out of his pocket and lighting it.

"So trashmouth, how ya been?" Bev asked lighting her cigarette

Richie wasn't paying attention. He was focused on the events that has just passed. His first time talking to Eddie and he blew it. He blew it. He ruined it.

Richie stood there with his cigarette hanging from his mouth, zoning out. Bev took this moment and stomped out her cigarette before wrapping her arms around richies lower chest and wacking his cig out if his hand.

Richies focus was now on the small girl who took him out of his thoughts with a hug. He let out a sigh before returning the affection

"I missed you, Rich," she whispered to him.

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