A Welcome Back

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~*no pov*~

"I swear it was him, guys"

"Yea-huh.. And I swear birds don't fly"

"I'm serious, Stan. It was him"

"G-g-guys. Qui-quit it"

Eddie just gave Stan an evil glare before rolling his eyes.

"Hey guys," the chubby one asked climbing down the ladder

"Hey Ben," a soft voice responded.

Ben and bev stayed smiling and staring at each other for a few moments before they got interrupted by a scoff coming from the corner.

"What's it now, Stanley?" Eddie asked giving Stan an obvious attitude.

"My bird journal got a cut in the leather cover due to YOUR stupid hammock lock that is- oh so important," Stanley complained sarcastically.

"I remember when you and rich would always fight over that thing," bev laughed.

"Oh Yeah, I saw Rich yesterday," Ben brushed off.

The light conversation stopped as everyone drew their attention to the now nervous boy.

"y-you.. w-wh-what?" Bill stuttered

"Rich. I saw him... Yesterday" Ben nervously got out

Eddie immediately pushed by Stan and every pillar in his way getting close to Ben. "What?! Where!?" Eddie practically screamed at him

"Near the library at that one diner," Ben confidentially stated.

"Aha..." Eddie laughed turning his head to face Stan, "I told you- I fucking told you!"

"Yeah, yeah- rub it in," Stan replied annoyed; motioning him to get away from him.

Eddie smirked before thinking to himself; wait- Richie is here... Richard fucking tozier. Eddie hadnt realized how giddy he was getting untill he felt eyes of everyone in the clubhouse on him.

"Uh.. Uh... I gotta go," eddie stammered before grabbing a jacket he left hanging on a wooden bar built into the forts wall and rushing up the ladder.

The losers left in the fort could hear eddie trip over a bike and faint curses before the rolling of bike tires started and faded.

"Eh," Stan just shrugged at bill who had a questioning look on his face.

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