kicking back

30 2 2

~*no pov*~

"Hey, beaverly. I think imma go."

"Really, rich?"


"You've barely been around us.. Hell I don't even think you've talked to all of us," bev rambled out.

"I.." Richie paused. "I'm not feeling well... Heh," richie nervously got out scratching the back of his neck in attempt to hide his nerves.

"Uh-huh. Is that so?" Bev asked lighting another cigarette.


Richie was about to make up some other excuse when the door next to bev swung open.

"y-y-you g-guys co-coming?" Bill asked looking at bev.

"actually... I think imma go..." Richie slurred before turning to walk off. Richie was stopped by bev grabbing his hand and yanking him inside.


~*no pov*~

"Sh-should we g-go out today?" Bill asked checking his calender.

"Eh, ben and mike are doing stuff today," bev reminded bill.

Richie stood on the other side of the thin wall listening in but hiding away from the rest of the group. He leaned up against the wall as he chewed on his fingernails to calm his nerves and adhd.

"Hey," a soft voice whispered, startling Richie.

He turned his head to see who it is, without removing his fingers from his mouth he noticed Stan quietly scooting over to him. Richie just watched as the shorter boy got closer to him.

"Aye!" Stan scream whispered before smacking richies hand away from his mouth causing Richie to drop his arm down.

Richie looked down at his hand contemplating on bringing it back up to start biting his nails again. Just as he started bringing his hand back up to his face, the blonde boy grabbed his hand tightly before inhaling deeply.

"No." Stan stated staring into richies eyes. Richie just nodded.

Rich assumed stan would let go of his hand after getting his point across but Stan stood there, still gripping tightly on Richies hand.

"What're you doing back here?" Stan leaned closer to whisper to Richie.

"I didn't want to intrude," richie leaned in aswell to whisper to make sure Stan could hear him well.

Stan rolled his eyes before looking straight realizing how close they were. Richie leaned down to stans height so he could hear his reply but all Stan could think about is how all he had to do in order to kiss richie was lean slightly forward.

Stans breathing became heavy due to his thoughts. Richie realized and broke the silence by messing up stans hair and quietly laughing.

Stan yanked his hand out of richies to attempt and fix his hair. "Pfft, just c'mon," Stan motioned richie to follow but Richie just slid down the wall and sat down.

Stan groaned before grabbing the taller ones arm in attempt of yanking him to his feet. After a few tugs richie stood up and let Stan drag him to the rest of the losers.

They both walked from around the thin wall drawing everyones eyes on them. They both had flushed cheeks due to them being so close to eachother, Stan had messy hair due to Richie, and richies clothes were wrinkled and poorly shaped to his body from him sliding down the wall moments before.

To the rest of the losers it looked like they came back from doing... Something.

"Woahhh, I see you guys were having fun," bev joked.

Eddie just rolled his eyes before giving Stanley a glare.

"Wh-what were y-you guys d-doing?" Bill asked genuinely confused.

"Richie was nervous about forcing himself back into the group, I was just reminding him- once a loser always a loser," Stan said happily.

"Uh-huh." Bev said giving Stan a smirk.

Richie found himself hiding against the wall again before traveling into a random room down the hall in attempt to hide from Stan so he couldn't drag him out again.

"Dammit, rich!" Richie could hear stan from down the hall yell.

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