what're you hiding?

25 2 0

~*no pov*~

"Are you guys serious?"

"w-we're j-just having f-fun"

"Of coarse," Stan sarcastically got out.

"C'mon, losers. Up we go," the red head insisted climbing up a steep hill.

"Could we like... Not?" Stan asked in his default attitude.

Neither of the two in front of him listened, they were heading up the hill grabbing leaning trees for support.

Stanley stood there for awhile contemplating on following the two up the hill. He rolled his eyes as he began going up the hill, he slipped skidding his knee grabbing a branch to keep himself from falling.


~*no pov*~

"Where do you think they went?" richie asked standing in between the bikes left from bill, bev, and Stan.

Eddie looked up, using his hand to shield his eyes from the sun. "probably, up there." He pointed towards the hill.

"Oh God," richie silently huffed out. "Well, guess we're going up," richie used a salesman voice and insisted.

Eddie rolled his eyes at richies horrible impression before starting up the hill. Richie followed after him, slipping at the same spot Stan did, silently cursing at himself.

"D-Did you hurt yourself...?" Eddie softly asked the tall boy behind him.

"Nah Nah, I'll be fine. Besides that'd be the third time today you had to help me," richie brushed off as continued up the hill.

Eddie shook his head, he didn't care how many times he had to help him. He didn't want him catching some sort of infection.

By the time the two made it up the hill eddie spotted a red head further down the path. Beverly turned herself, meeting eyes with the small brunette.

"You losers made it!" The ginger girl stated making her way to the two boys who just trailed up the hill. Stan realized and followed her.

"I slipped too," Stan laughed off looking down at the fresh cuts and scrapes on the side of richies leg.

Eddies eyes widened at the statement Stan just made before he turned to look at Richies leg. He was about to say something until he felt a hand grip his shoulder, looking up to see Richie giving him a friendly smile and shaking his head indicating he doesnt need a medic.

Eddie nodded in response before letting out a huff. He didn't want Richie to get sick. Richie took his hand off eddies shoulder before wrapping his arm around stans neck laying his hand on his shoulder opposite of him.

"So, Stan the man. What're we to do in a boring ol' forest?" Richie asked in a high pitched voice that seemed to match how he sounded when he was living in Derry.

Stan just rolled his eyes before shrugging his shoulders making richies arm fall back to his side.

"Awh you're no fun, staniel. What about you bevvy?" Richie asked in the same high pitched voice. "Got an idea?"

She chuckled at his stupid voice before shoving a cigarette into his chest, dragging him down the path so they could smoke.

"Ew, you're gonna get cancer! You're practically poisoning yourself. Your chances of death before the age 60 increase a whole 50% when you start smoking," eddie rambled following behind the two.

"Eh, I'd hate to see myself as an old person anyway," Richie reasoned.

Soon enough all the losers where walking down the trail. Bill looking around at mother nature. Stan glaring at Eddie wondering what took him and rich so long. Eddies focus stuck on the taller boy walking next to bev.
Bev and richie talking nonsense, smoking and shoving each other every once in awhile.

Richie missed his old friends.

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