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~*no pov*~

Richie fell to his knees bringing Stanley down with him. Stan tumbled backwards falling onto Richie. The two stayed where they were, frozen in shock. Until Stanley burst out laughing.

Richie chuckled silently trying to hide his smile. Before stanley stood up allowing richie to free himself. Both stood up brushing their pants off before making eye contact and both of them bursting out into laughter.

"What's All the laughing coming from down here?" a deeper female voice asked from a distance.

Richie gulped before attempting to hide behind Stan. Stan quickly picked up on this sudden anxiety Richie expressed. This wasnt like him but its been five years, things change.

Stan looked back at richie biting his nails nervously. Stan quickly grabbed richies hand away from his face holding it in his own.

Richie just stared down at their hands intertwined with each other before letting out a sigh of relief. Stanley saw this, nodded to himself and started dragging richie towards the female in the distance


~*no pov*~

"Where do you think he is?" Eddie asked impatiently

"I-I don't know E-Eddie, I havent seen h-him at all" bill responded with trying to ease the tension.

"C-can you help me look...?" Eddie nearly whispered.

This was unlike Eddie. To be so soft. He's usually panicking or rambling he's never so... Nervous.

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