old pals

40 1 0

*no pov*~

These keys were a great distraction. Richie stood in the doorway of the diner playing with keys attached to his belt loop before his mother rushed him out the door after paying for their meal.

Eddie watched as the boy exited- he stared until they were no longer in sight. His mind was blank until he felt the urge to stand up. He followed through to his random urge and before he knew it he was walking towards the exit of the diner.


Richie opened the passenger door of his mothers truck before pulling himself into the big wheeled vehicle. He sat back pulling the seatbelt over his chest due to his mother nagging at him to do so.

Eddie finally reached the doorway looking around outside locking his eyes on a boy in a truck putting his seatbelt on, he stared at the now moving vehicle and watched as it exited the parking lot- driving down the road until the car was now out of sight.


"Dude, what the hell are you doing?," a raspy voice asked Eddie heading towards the small boy leaning on the diners door frame.

"Hm?" Eddie huffed out in a questioning tone

"You just left the table without telling us," he snarked out

"Oh sorry, connor. I just needed some fresh air," eddie responded with giving his friend a soft smile.

"Alright, you've breathed enough over here, c'mon" Connor responded with motioning Eddie back to the table they were all eating at.

"Yeah, yeah" Eddie ensured.


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