avoided situations

53 3 1

~*no pov*~

The realization of Who he was now staring at hit Richie causing him to quickly pull a menu over his face in attempt to hide his identity.

It seemed to work. Richie peeked his face over the menu to see eddie and his new friends being seated on the complete other side of the diner.

He let out a sigh of relief before looking over to see his mom staring at him with curious eyes. She let out a devilish smirk.

"What, ma?" Richie asked his smirking mother

"What's got you so red?" Richies mother asked him with that same smirk still sitting on her face

"Huh?" Richie then came to the realization he was flustered, he could tell by how hot his face felt.

"Oh uh, I just think that waitress over there is kinda cute," richie spits out in a panic.

"Mhm" richies mother responded with sarcastically before drawing her attention back to the menu in front of her.

Richie didn't feel like convincing his mom to believe his obvious lie. He was to busy lost back into his thoughts; who are those people eddie's with?

As richie tried coming up with possible answers he heard a familiar voice

"Yeah, excuse me ma'am where are the restrooms" eddie asked a waitress standing by the front desk. She then pointed in richies direction causing Richie to turn around and notice the bathrooms placed to the left of his mother.


"Hey, ma. I think imma head out for fresh air" Richie told his mother before pulling his hood over his head and standing up

"Alright, hun. Don't be out for too long"

Richie nodded before quickly going outside, to avoid catching eddies attention he pulled his hood over his head. The hood sat on the top of Richies curly hair cause it to cover the top of his face.

Richie sat on the curb out front and huffed out a sigh of relief.

The header for this chapter was also taken by me.

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