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~*no pov*~

"No way."

"There's no fucking way."

Richie got more nervous with every word the red head in front of him spat out. Richies nerves caused his hands to sweat profusely.

Stan still holding richies hand in his own realized how nervous the once narcissistic boy was getting. He squeezed richs hand to remind him he was there.

"Well," the redhead smiled. "How have you been, Tozier?"

Bev quickly examined the tall boy before stepping closer to him and running her hands through his now very curly black hair.

Richie felt her touch as he shrunk into himself. He liked the feeling, but didn't want to show it. As his head was full of thoughts he felt a connection leave his body.

He snapped back into the real world and saw as the smaller boy left his side and joined bevs. A little sadness entered his body but before it could completely take over his feelings he felt a new set of hands brush through his hair.

He brought his focus on the two practically leaning on him, as he felt both of their hands run through his hair. He gave in and leaned up against their touch.

Bev removed her hands before letting out a girly squeal. "Eddie's gonna be so happy!"

The name Eddie cause Richie to perk his head up, Stan realized and moved his hands away from the taller ones curls, sadness overcoming his feelings.

"C'mon!" Bev rushed the silent boy before latching her hand on his wrist, dragging him down the street.

Stan stayed standing in the shadow of the taller one being rushed down the street. Richie looked back realizing Stan wasn't following them. He gave the blonde boy a look indicating he wanted him to follow.

Stan smiled to himself as the thought of Richie needing him was enough to fix his mood.

"Denbrough household we gooo!" The redhead chanted.


~*no pov*~

"S-so what's th-the p-plan?" Bill supportively asked

"Uhh, maybe look around town or uhh.. Yeah," eddie hesitantly purposed

"W-well, let m-me get d-dressed," bill laughed off.

Just as bill reached his closet there was a knock heard at the door.

"C-c-c," bill stuttered trying to get out

Eddie scoffed before yelling "coming!" and hopping off the bed leaving bills room. Bill just shrugged and continued digging through his clothes.

"Who is i-" eddie started as he opened the front door but before he could finish he stared at the three standing on the porch. He scanned over them before locking his eyes on the taller boy standing behind Stan.

The boy he was now silently staring at had his head was down and he was obviously attempting hide behind the blonde boy.

Bev stared at the shocked boy standing in the inside of the Denbrough residence with a wide grin. Stan stood emotionless in front of Richie unaware of how he should feel.

Everyone stood there silently for what seems to be a life time before bill was found standing behind Eddie.

"w-wha-what's goin on h-here?" Bill cluelessly asked before he found himself staring at the same boy Eddie was.


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