
755 44 71

twenty four march, two pm
student : han jisung
signed by : lee felix

"how're you feeling?" 

felix asked the second jisung entered the room, his hair a mess and the bags under his eyes so prominent that he almost looked like a panda which normally, felix would have pointed out but he knew better. 

he knew when he was able to joke around with the boy and knew when he couldn't and right then was an instance whereby he couldn't, jisung falling into the seat across from him and placing his head in his hands, trying desperately to regain his senses. but, when he met eyes with felix, his composure shattered, tears rushing down his face as though they had been held back all this while. 

"i-i don't know where he is or-or how to find him and i-"

jisung broke down again, shedding so many tears that felix was certain that his tears alone could fill up an entire swimming pool. 

he had seen jisung like this before but only when it came to minho did the boy ever break down, the sight so heartbreaking that sometimes, it even left the australian boy in a state of shock, not knowing what to say or how to comfort him.

"ji, you don't need to be the one to find him you know."

felix said, reaching out to pat his friend but immediately retracting his hand when jisung suddenly stood up, shaking his head violently and pacing around the room as though his life depended on it. 

"he...he's out there lix. i-i can't just sit still knowing that he's out there because, what if he's all alone? wha-what if he's waiting for someone to find him and save him and-"

"breathe ji."

felix stood up and approached jisung cautiously, the older of the two beginning to hyperventilate as he started thinking about the state that minho might've been in and how terrifying it was to be alone, loneliness being a monster that jisung never wanted to battle with again. 

felix repeated his words, wrapping his arms around the boy and holding him gently within his embrace, shushing him and letting him feel some sort of warmth.

"it'll be alright."

he whispered, jisung breathing out shakily, his sobs almost suffocating him. he repeated himself again and again, almost like a chant, trying his hardest to convince jisung that everything would turn out fine despite the fact that there was no guarantee that it would but then again-

life was unexpected.



twenty four march, four thirty pm
student : -
signed by : -



Felix stared at the clock, watching as the minute hand landed on the digit six, indicating the end of his "work day" but just for extra reassurance, he checked the timing on his phone as well and when it read 4:30pm, he knew that that was the reality. 

Seo Changbin didn't show up.

For the first time in the sessions that they have had, this was the first time he hadn't even bothered to turn up ( albeit, they've only had three sessions together but that's besides the point ). 

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