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David: "Um, Tou must be an flower, because I could stare at you all day."

Brandon: *barely noticeable blushe* "Is th*yawn*at you can do?"

Brandon: *barely noticeable blushe* "Is th*yawn*at you can do?"

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David: "Sorry captain. How are you doing little guy?

Michael: "It'S fIne DavieD

Ritchie: "Awe, I think someone's hungry." *picked Michael up, only to set him at the table.

Ritchie hand feed Michael his food. Since Michael was to be treated like a kid he acted like one. He would move his head sometimes when the food got close to his face.

Brandon:*picks up Michael* "It's time for bed everyone."

It's now night almost everyone was sleeping. Ritchie was still awake when she saw the others having nightmares. She spent until it was an hour before they had to wake up, running her fingers through their hair, whispers sweet words, and used some of her magic to change their dreams.

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