ask and dare

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Ritchie: "I, I get enough. I don't really need alot to function."

It has been an hour since Ritchie fell asleep.

Michael: "Alright everyone wake up!"

Ritchie: "Come on munchkin, a girl needs her beauty sleep."

Michael: "Harhar, now get your butt down stairs now.

David: "Put more clothes on Ritchie!"

Ritchie: "What? I'm wearing what I normally wear."

Brandon: "That's the problem, *yawns* you have breast now."

Ritchie: "Wow, and you talk about new sexualizing everything."

Michael: "That is not- you know what fine have it your way.

Michael: "That is not- you know what fine have it your way

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Brandon: "Captain! A baby just appeared in the house."

Michael: "WHAT!" "Waaaa"

David: "Captain, you can't yell when there is a baby."*whispers*

Ritchie:*picks the baby up and rocks them, efficiently calming them down* "That's it little one your safe. Wow, cap you really don't know a thing about babies. Don't worry I'll teac- *the baby latched onto Ritchie's breast thinking it was dinner time* I think we should get the baby food now." * voice goes high pitched and gives the baby a cloth to  chew on instead*

David and Ritchie gave them a lecture of how to take care of a baby.

The rest of the day was spent taking care of the baby. Brandon got nap time with them, surprisingly they were a light sleeper when he had the baby. Michael got peed on twice and puked on. David and Ritchie had the baby most of the time because they were better than the other 2.

David and Ritchie played Pick-a-boo and feed they baby. Later they also took over changing them because of them always peeing/puking on Michael when ever he did it.

It was finally nighttime when the baby dissapeared. Everyone went to sleep, Ritchie staying up for 2 more hours to make sure the others didn't have nightmares. Even then he slept lightly waking up here and there to noises.

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