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The group were currently in a battle with a large some of people. They were taking down the troublemakers left and right. They didn't see one of them sneak away to buy a potion from the potionseller. The man was about to hit Brandon and Michael, that was until Ritchie pushed them out of the way. He fell into a coughing fit, David taking out the last guy.

Michael: "WHAT THE HECK WAS IN THAT POTION!" *patting Ritchie's back*

Brandon:*wide awake and tenderly ask* "Are you ok?"

Ritchie: "I'm*cough* fine. Le*cough*ts head ho-ome."

Ritchie managed to take a couple steps before his world was going dark and shifted sideways, he was falling. David managed to catch the falling sin. The other rush to David, only to see Ritchie SHRINKING!

The group rushed home, sending a message and the remains of the potion to Merlin. When they got home Ritchie was the size of a six year old.

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