dare and ask

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Michael just finished his morning routine when he went to wake up the others. When he went to Brandon he saw that he was turned into a kid. He freaked out a little bit, before waking up the other. Ritchie complained a little bit, but shot up when Michael said Brandon was turned into a kid.

Brandon:*looks around and has tears in his eyes "Were is me?"

David: "Hi, little one. Your in our house, do you remember me? *soft smile*

Brandon:*thinking* "Ha, DAVEY!" *hugs him*

David: "That's right I'm  Davey. Do you remember these two?"

Brandon: "Mickal and ummm"

Ritchie: "I'm Ritchie"

Brandon: " Witchie? Y u no shiwt?"

Ritchie: "Because I'm comfortable like this. If it bugs you I can change.

Brandon:*shakes head* "I'm hungwy".

David makes them all breakfasts. Ritchie is playing with Brandon and Michael letting the guards know they can't go one parole.

 Ritchie is playing with Brandon and Michael letting the guards know they can't go one parole

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Brandon: "Why is matterr?"

Ritchie: "It doesn't matter don't worry about it. Now if you're not fast enough, I'ma eat all your pancakes, roar!"

Michael: "Male, because we don't risk a fine when he is outside."

David: "Captain sumed it up nicely."

Brandon: "Nooo! *goes back to eating.

Brandon was surprisingly hyper. David took him outside putting him on his shoulder, Brandon was very excited. Brandon then played princesses and dragons with them. After that they played tag.

It was now nighttime.

Brandon: "I don't wanta go to bed!"

David: "Bubby you have to."

Brandon: "Y I have too?!"

Michael: "So you can grow big and strong."

Brandon:*looks on edge*

Ritchie: "Will you go to sleep if I stay with you?"

Brandon nods as he moves over in the bed. Ritchie sits next to him as Brandeen latches on. The others goes to sleep where they can easily see both Ritchie and Brandon. Ritchie pretended to be asleep until the others and returned to his nightly watch/ routine.

One more chapter before Ritchie becomes male

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